01:10 27-04-2005 ...it's me..
I want forget everything that i've got
I want believe in what i believe

There is no way to think 'bout this
There is no way to throw this away

I just want to become what i want
And no one will stop me

It's hard to say what i think
It's hard show what i fill

I'm afraid that u will not undestand me
I'm afraid that u will blame me

They did it with me
They've make me believe


But it's hard to say someone that i love....

For me...

Fuck!! It!!


But it's hard to say someone that i love....

Fuck!! It!!

Current music: KORn - "4U"
Состояние: творческое
04:54 27-04-2005
Вот и я вернулась из своих запоев и прочих затуманиваюш,их рассудок штук.
Я снова тут. Снова прежняя.. только немного стыдно, что когда мне плохо я забываю обо всех.
What am I talking about??? how knows.. so bad to be wasted.. so bad to be out of everything.
Fell, like a loser - why I do this for myself? .. mm.. Waanna talk to you.. Can I call you sometimes?
12:31 27-04-2005

Мне такие вопросы не нравятся 0-))

Конечно звони!!! Когда хочешь....в любое время.. 0-)))