bear with beer
17:31 30-05-2005 ÃÛÛÛÛÛ)))))))
Ïî çàïðîñó íåáåçûçâåñòíîé "hui" áûëî âûäàíî ñëåäóþùåå:Hui can refer to:

Hui people, a Chinese ethnic group. They form one of the 56 nationalities officially recognized by the People's Republic of China
Hui (Maori assembly): a social gathering in a Maori community
Hui (linguistics), a subdivision of spoken Chinese.
Hui (family name) (許 is a family name particularly for Cantonese-speaking Chinese.

Ïðèêîëüíî ïðåäëîæèòü ñîáåñåäíèêó ïåðåéòè ñ ìàíäàðèíñêîãî íà hui....