16:59 14-06-2005
Oh, why was I born with a different face?
Why wasn't I born like the rest of my race?
When I look, each one starts, when I speak I offend,
Then I'm silent and passive and loose every friend.

Погода: //:
Mike L
17:05 14-06-2005
вильям блейк? )
18:22 14-06-2005
Give me another chance and another way
Give me another time and another day
Give me a part in another play
Silken the hand that has touched me and helped me till now
Torment replaces the feelings the faces somehow
00:04 15-06-2005
Blade Runner (; в точку.

Bladewalker ненавижу обижать людей. ): но как-то очень уж здорово у меня это иногда получается ): с поразительной закономерностью. ):