15:50 20-01-2006 Mogwai, завтра, "Апельсин"
Граждане! Обнаружился лишний билет за завтрашний концерт шотландских пост-рокеров Mogwai в московском клубе "Апельсин".
Стоит 800.
Надо кому?

Сорри, уже неактуально

отредактировано: 20-01-2006 16:14 - лЁша

16:17 20-01-2006
могвай... уж больно припопсованные товарищи
Mike L
16:28 20-01-2006
09:41 26-01-2006
Too easy my friend..You are truly the best...You can take it off your nicle back you understand and replace with the club I now work at OoC's in Vbeh..Psycho R is a joke, I got the last laugh...I am happy again..New environment and Russian clientele...Peace to you and thank you for your respect and honor...I Like you, I Love your Smile...Thank u for the Siberian Lynx CD u understand..I have it playing on my turntable with a window next to the desk.... My friend Michel is going with me..I didn't know he had the same dream to go south and start business with beauty you understand....OXOOOO......
09:43 26-01-2006
Add a nic anytime and I will play you your favorite request. Boobs are bouncing.I do....