02:53 31-01-2007 The Package (can't get true way)
Clever Got Me This Far
Then Tricly Got Me In
I am what i'm after
don't need another friend
smile and drop the clichied
till you think i'm listening
. . .
lie to get what i came for
lie to get what i need
lie to get what i crave !
lie, and smile, to get wha'ts mine
mine!!! . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

me - vocals, acoustic clean and heavy guitars

Marla - ethnic drums

so emotional even can make me crying
and only in my tears it lasts

Current music: we lay together in the sun
Состояние: only in my tears it lasts
Marla S
02:54 01-02-2007
очренел? )))) cool
cool +)
03:59 04-02-2007
hehey, интересно, кто-нибудь из п.ч. скачал и послушал?
а если да, имеет ли он какое-нибудь мнение?
мне интересно
05:27 04-02-2007
uh, have never expressed myself really, truly, in the deepest way .
05:28 04-02-2007
just softly on the path fadding away .
Marla S
06:07 04-02-2007
fuck them, fuck off. Людей интересуют только их проблемы и собственный моральный онанизм