16:18 24-11-2003 Layer:04 Religion
-- You’re in seventh grade? Eighth grade?
-- Do you like school?
[(long pause) ...Uh-huh.]
-- What subject do you like?
-- Are you in any clubs?
[(shakes head silently)]
-- Do you go straight home after school?
-- Do you have friends?
-- What do you and your friends do for fun?
-- Well, what do you do?
[...(thinks for a while)...Talk.]
-- What about?
-- Where do you go to talk?
-- You don’t like talking with each other in person?
-- What kind of place is Wired, to you?
[...A place where people connect with other
people--the top level of the real world hierarchy.]
--(weak laugh) Who told you that?
[My dad.]
-- Do you love your father?
[(long pause...nods)]
-- What kind of navigator do you use to access Wired?
[When I was in sixth grade...my dad...bought it for me...]
-- Do you like operating this kind of machine?
-- Do you dislike questions like this?
-- You dislike talking about yourself?
-- Why?
[...(long pause)...Because...]
-- Because?
[Because I’m... I’m me, but not me. I mean, I’m not just me...]
-- Who told you that?
-- Who?
-- What God?
[The God of Wired.]
-- There’s a God of Wired? You believe that?
-- Answer me.
-- Answer.
[...There is if I believe there is..]
-- That answer isn’t good enough.
[...There is...a God...]
-- All right, fine. The God of Wired is the god of the top
level of the real world hierarchy--in other words, a being that controls the entire world. Is that right?
[...Who are you?]

status: good
np: Serial Experiments Lain - Lains`s Theme
23:57 24-11-2003
откуда сие?
00:43 25-11-2003
Арт-бук "Omnipresence in Wired" по Serial Experiments Lain. Графика Yoshitoshi Abe, текст Akiko Matsumoto, перевод Chiaki J. Konaka.
00:47 25-11-2003
ага, понятно.
09:59 25-11-2003
скажу банальное "хочу"
15:04 25-11-2003
Половину уже скачал. Манга в 600 dpi - это нечто.
21:58 25-11-2003
И очень далеко спрятанный от чужих глаз фан-арт.
19:27 26-11-2003
:) ссылочку?
19:47 26-11-2003
warezn1y Очень удивилась, когда посмотрела на твой список друзей.. Почему я там задержалась - не понимаю, но меня это очень радует, я к тебе потрясающе отношусь.. Жалко, что ты бросал эту затею с дневником.. Рада, что вернулся!

отредактировано: 26-11-2003 19:52 - Wyva

19:43 27-11-2003
Арт-бук здесь.
А фан-арт разбросан по Сети.

отредактировано: 27-11-2003 19:43 - warezn1y

20:15 01-12-2003