21:38 17-08-2009 ñ ñàéòà ìîåãî ëþáèìîãî
Zen HabitsSimple Productivity
32 Ways to Make Someone Happy Today

Make someone happy today!

2 Help them carry something.
3 Send a thank-you email.
4 Call just to see how they’re doing.
5 Pick them flowers.
6 Cook them a nice meal.
7 Tell a joke and laugh your butts off.
8 Clean.
9 Write a love letter to a loved one.
10 Give them a cherished book.
11 Bake cookies.
12 Praise them publicly.
13 Thank them for a job well done.
14 Listen.
15 Be there when they’re in need.
16 Give a free hug.
17 Spend time with them, having fun.
18 Do errands or chores for them.
19 Say I love you.
20 Help them get ahead.
21 Be proud of them.
22 Babysit if they need it.
23 House sit if they need it.
24 Buy them movie tickets.
25 Create a care package.
26 Coffee. Mmmm.
27 List the things you love about them.
28 Secretly leave them thank you notes.
29 Give a back rub when appropriate.
30 Deliver a nice lunch to them when they’re having a rough day.
31 Love them, completely.
32...Be happy yourself.

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