04:39 08-03-2010 Right now and a few days back.
Well school isn't always grate.Our teacher Ms.Villanova is very nice.She lets us do fun projects like,have crayfish as class pets!I realy love my school!I can't balive that we have to study wat we alredy know.Can't wrap up just yet!well cwite honestly I just broke a light swich in the kitchen,Jose is going to kill ME!Well me and mom started doing the londry just now. "Hmm...I wonder if Jose will kill me literly?"."Hey Jurnal do you think I should write more?"Mom meanwile is on the computer doing her stuff.well time to wrap up thisbaby!SE YA!
Ms. Cellophane
04:45 08-03-2010
I don't thing he is going to KILL you! It's just a saying. You both are angry now and hurting each other, competing who can hurt another person more. Someone gotta stop. You know we all love you very much and we show our love to you by DOING stuff for you and honestly we expect you to do stuff for us to)))) so we know you love us...
Keep working on you journal and let us know about your feelings.
04:54 08-03-2010
Ok I get your point I'll try harder to control myself. Comeon! lets go down stairs. P.S. don't forget the cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))))))))))) 100%