Призрак джедая
11:59 12-02-2004
Conquer arrogance: “The acceptance of others is not a guarantee. Like everyone else, a Jedi is accepted or not based on his behavior. The Jedi who believes that he is more important than the others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored.”
Master Dooku
Conquer overconfidence: “Every Jedi, in every task, should prepare for the possibility of failure.”
Master Vodo-Siosk Baar
Conquer defeatism: “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.”
Master Yoda
Conquer stubbornness: “Do not see a lightsaber duel as a choice between winning and losing. Every duel can have many, many outcomes. When you concentrate solely on winning you sully your victory. Winning becomes worse than losing. It is better to lose well than to win badly. It is always better to end a duel peacefully than to win or lose.”
Master Rekpa De
Conquer recklessness: “Learn to recognize when speed is not important. In fact ,it is sometimes vital to strike the last blow, to give the final answer, or to arrive after everyone else.”
Master Wiwa
Conquer curiosity: “Use the Force to satisfy the will of the Force – not to satisfy your own curiosity.”
Master Odan-Urr
Conquer aggression: “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”
Master Yoda
Conquer external loyalties: “A Jedi is a Jedi, first, foremost and only. For a Jedi to divide his attention between the will of the Force and the will of others is to invite disaster.”
Master Hoche Trit
Conquer materialism: “I wear my robe so that I am warm; I carry my lightsaber so that I am safe; and I keep enough credits for my next meal, so that I am not hungry. If the Force wants me to have more, it finds a way of letting me know.”
Master Kagoro
Practice honesty: “Let there be truth between your heart and the Force. All else is transitory.”
Knight Surenit Kil’qiy
Honor your promises
Honor your Padawan
Honor your Master
Honor the Jedi Council: “Now must I keep the word I made when only a Jedi Knight I was – a promotion, this is not.”
Master Yoda
Honor the Jedi Order
Honor the law
Honor life
Public service:
Duty to the Republic
Render aid
Defend the weak
Provide support

Виконт Де'Летенхофф
14:19 12-02-2004
"We are not saints, but seekers"
Jedi saying

отредактировано: 12-02-2004 14:22 - Виконт Де'Летенхофф

Пан Яська
20:18 12-02-2004
Виконт Де'Летенхофф
23:10 12-02-2004
Чего сопите-то? Не легкая у нас жизня, да?