m. z. yimmar
09:25 10-04-2004 "depression is merely anger without enthusiasm"
imagine realizing that you'll never be happy THAT way again. feels like shit but the only choice you have is to accept it. even though you'll never learn to live with it. you'll adapt, you'll survive, you'll learn tricks but you'll never fuckin' forget the bitter taste of eternal loss. i feel like oyster. welcome back, baby. you've been in this numb, dark room. i guess you was right-there is no exit. it was a false light. and now, after 15 month of hope, it hurts even more. where's our NIN and cigarettes? light it up. well, welcome back to hell. now you have all the rights to have no fears. those who have nothing to lose have no fears.

Current music: nin- the art of self destruction part 1
Ñîñòîÿíèå: cold hands