18:54 22-02-2017
Отлично, сэр!
Я из трилогии Афтерматц читал только первую часть и дальше не собираюсь, но пишут, что в 3-й расказывается про клонварсовского Трауна:

Outside the known galaxy is an unexplored infinity, Palpatine explained, one closed off by a labyrinth of solar storms, rogue magnetospheres, black holes, gravity wells, and things far stranger. Any who tried to conquer that maze did not survive. The ships were obliterated, or returned to the galaxy devoid of travelers. Communications from those explorers were incomprehensible, either shot through with such static as to make the content useless, or filled with enough inane babble to serve as a perfectly clear sign that the explorer had gone utterly mad out there in isolation. But Palpatine had one in the navy who knew something of the Unknown Regions: Admiral Thrawn, an alien with ice-blue skin who came from beyond the borders of the known galaxy. Palpatine only kept that one around because of what he knew of traversing those deadly interstices. Much of what Thrawn knew went into the computations of this machine.

я-то думал, его там держат в качестве мебели, а все не так просто!
07:54 23-02-2017
что-то я не поняла, почему клонварсовский Траун? он в это время еще дома должен был быть? опять таймлайн в каноне переписали?
10:11 23-02-2017
а, ребельский конечно.