01:54 23-04-2004 Full Time vs. Contract
Несколько прикольных фраз с дневника Matt Raible (http://raibledesigns.com/contact.jsp)
Оригинал тут: http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?an...ime_vs_contract

The thing I enjoy the most about contracting over full-time is freedom.

With the full-time opportunity I'm considering, I feel like I'd be marrying a woman I met just a few weeks ago. I guess most full-time gigs are like this after you've been set free with contracting.

The only thing I don't like about my current contract is that I'm a lone wolf. I'm the only guy developing the current app - which is great, but there's no "team spirit."

If you've ever worked with smart people, you know that this is a real treat.

When someone tries to find their answer on Google before asking you - it's refreshing. But is this worth giving up freedom for?