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16:32 02-08-2004 В помощь русским американцам
Необыкновенная ссылка: Русский юмор - американская (?) энциклопедия, рассказывающая о сути русского юмора с примерами (переведенные анекдоты, с подробным объяснением некоторых устойчивых выражений).
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Russians are a stereotype in Russian jokes themselves when set next to other stereotyped ethnicities. Thus, the Russian appearing in a triple joke with two other Westerners, like a German, French, American or Englishman, will provide for a self-ironic punch line depicting him as simple-minded and negligently careless but physically robust, which ensures he retains the upper hand over his naive Western counterparts.

* A French, a German, and a Russian go on a safari and are trapped by cannibals. They are brought to the chief, who says so: "We shall eat you right now. But I am a civilized man, I studied human rights at the Moscow's Patrice Lumumba University, so I grant each of you a last wish." The German asks for a mug of beer and a bratwurst. The French asks for three girls. Both of them get theirs and enjoy it. The Russian asks: "Hit me hard, right on my nose." The chief is surprised, but hits him. The Russian pulls out a Kalashnikov and shoots all the cannibals. When the stunned German asks him why he didn't do this earlier, the Russian proudly replies: "Russians are not aggressors!".

Прочитав эту часть вы сможет узнать кто такие русские, немцы и т.п., кто такой Патрис Лумумба, что такое safari и bratwurst

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