18:57 20-03-2003

Only after the perestroika Gorbachev agreed to lift the curtain of mystery over the country’s location, because international airlines had to know where to land.

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Current music: Roxette - A Thing About You
Night Lynx
19:19 20-03-2003
If you have ever thumbed through a book by a Russian author, you must have, at some point, felt yourself in the grip of confusion. It’s so hard to keep track of which characters are which, because a single person, at different times, may be referred to as 1) Ivan Petrovitch, 2) Vanya, 3) Vanyusha, 4) Ivanushka, and 5)Vantuz.

12:32 27-03-2003
The First Color TV Appears in Russia
Today pioneering color TV sets are available for sale in Moscow! Russians are in amazement! It is an innovation in this country! People are going mad, they are buying up all of them! I never knew that Russians had no color TVs. They used to always watch black-and-white TV.