11:17 27-01-2005

What did you come away with from Alexander in terms of the man you played?

I love him. His strengths, his weaknesses. His knowledge and intuition. His insecurities. His obsession with the things that having an obsession about them caused him a great degree of pain: destiny, his path in life. Is there such a thing as destiny? Is anything pre-ordained or are we the creators of our own end. He was such a big thinker and a high idealist, but he turned what seemed to be idealism into reality, so was he an idealist or was he just right about what was possible? And just a man that wasn't of his time yet was of his time, could be of this time and yet if he was alive now wouldn't be of this time. Just an amazing amazing human being and an amazing character. I also found his life, personally, to be quite sad. He lived a great life with incredible achievements and massive amounts of glory. He was king of the world by the time he was 25, could have had any lover he wanted, could have went to any place and had all the money in the world. I found he lived quite a lonely existence, which was why Jared's character Hephaistion was so important to him. He was the only person Alexander felt loved him unconditionally for who he was, and not what he was.

What was it like having Angelina Jolie play your mom?

Once you get over the initial hurdle of the irony of it all it's fine. She's such a fucking brilliant actor; such a powerhouse. She created such a definitive character and put such an incredible and individual seal on it. To look in her eyes and see the way she looked and the way she held herself, with such regality, it was easy. I didn't find it a stretch.

Oliver mentioned that, while making Alexander, you approached both work and play with equal intensity. Is “Work hard, play hard” you ethos?

I like life. I really do. I always have. With all the shit it throws your way, all the laughter and tears, I've never had a bad experience that I would like to change now as I sit here before you; or a good experience I would like to change. I've never had a bad experience I hoped that I've undervalued or a good experience that I've overvalued. Just being alive and being part of this mix, and I've been very fortunate as you know the side of the mix I've found myself on, but I'm still part of the race. Just to be aware of that and alive and around and in it; whether I'm in a fucking bar on Sunset or a desert in Morocco - preferably, to be honest with you a desert in Morocco - but it's all good. Do I do everything to extremes? I don't know. I work hard, I work my arse off. If you ever meet someone that worked with me that says I don't, I'd love to kick their fucking ass. After a long days work I can't just go home and get into bed and flip on Friends and order a pizza and get a good nights sleep, it doesn't work for me. And I don't sleep much, I operate on very little sleep. It's just the way I've kind of always been.

What was your take on the ending? It seems a little ambiguous about whether it was suicide or conspiracy....

There is not an historian in the world that will tell you for a fact how Alexander died, and if he does he's speaking where he shouldn't speak. Nobody knows. There's so many things: a broken heart, a lot of the wounds that he picked up during the years of campaigning in battle..I think he had seven or nine major wounds he had recovered from, but who knows what goes on in the body...poisoning obviously was a conspiracy, then again he was ailing for quite a while and on his deathbed for quite a while and they didn't have slow acting poisons back then. So the wound thing, a weakened liver as a result of drinking mixed with the wounds plus the broken heart of Hephaistion dying. I don't know, and that's a good thing; the film doesn't want to tell you how he died.

Do you think if Alexander were alive today he could have been as successful?

The relations between Persia and Macedonia were wrought with history. The Persians had invaded Macedonia 50 years before, had burnt temples and created great sacrilege on very sacred ground; a lot of the reason why the Greeks and the Macedonians and Philip for years had prepared to invade as Alexander did, and take back parts of Asia Minor that were formally under Greek rule. Alexander took that idea, did just that and extended it further and further. You just can't do that anymore. It was a time of war, it was a time where boundaries and borders weren't as defined as they are now. Cultures weren't as defined as they are now, weren't as segregated.

You'd think there'd be less segregation with the world now, and the technology and the information and the exchange of ideas but it's become, if anything, quite the opposite. War in those days was pitched battle as well. There was an agreement and a time and a date set and place, and there was a battle and the loser, as a result of much bloodshed, surrendered. That was it. Somebody conquered and they took over rule of that particular area or that particular tribe or people. That was how Alexander lived; there was none of this attacking. There was invasions, but as I said in Isis, The Siege of Tyre and in Gaugamela particularly, there were pitched battles and there were terms agreed on before-hand. There's no need for it now, it just wouldn't be possible in this world. It was a different time and a different way of thinking and living.

Where do you think Alexander's drive came from? Why couldn't he stop?

Because it just never became enough. It was a child-like fascination with what's over the next hill. He had an insatiable appetite for knowledge and for finding out about the world and what existed beyond his immediate realm; what the next race was like, what the next people were like, what way of thinking they had. He got quite obsessed with eastern thought and philosophy when he pushed further east. He adopted Persian ways of dressing when he got to Babylon. He had a notion that it was possible to mix the races, that there was no such thing as every Greek is a good Greek; he judged a flawed and bad Greek as a barbarian, and an honorable and noble barbarian as better than your average Greek. He really didn't see the segregation of people based on religion or culture or class. He was very much into thought and a very expansive human being. As a result of all those interests and all those insecurities, also of wanting to supersede his father's deeds and ambitions, he just kept pushing. And plus the teachings of Aristotle, he just wanted to find the Eastern Ocean. He wanted to find the end and then go back; he never did.

What was it like shooting the love scene with Rosario Dawson?

It was another day at the office. I ended up nearly with a black eye cause she fucking whacked me so hard.

It's a pretty intense scene.

To put it in layman's terms, I didn't want on my fucking wedding night after Hephaistion just left, get into a massive fucking dialogue on the steps of this room I've never been in; I want to get her to the fucking bedroom, rip her clothes off, take mine off, and go "now relax". If she had said no, there's no way Alexander would have forced himself on her. But she didn't, she became completely complicitous through the sharing of what I hope were honest looks.

Do you think his marriage to Roxanne was politically motivated?

I think that area was pretty secure without having to marry a chief's wife. There had been some warfare in the surrounding areas and they had already received a surrender. There would have been bigger fish to fry in respect to that. Plus, there's no way he didn't know it was going to cause a lot of grief within his own men. I don't think it was that politically savvy a move. I think again, it was him as a romantic idealist, leading by example saying “If I'm going to ask you to inbreed and marry and mix the races, I'm going to do it by example.” he example wasn't really taken on board with passion and conviction by his men. If anything it just caused a lot of grief.

Alexander also committed some pretty heinous acts, including genocide. What about his dark side?

It was coming North. Either his people were getting treated with the same gusto, or he was going to do it down south. He did it down south. He was unforgiving and relentless. Did he have a dark side to him? You better fucking believe he had a dark side to him. When he sacked Thebes, how many people did he massacre there? I think it was such desperate times. These atrocities that he committed himself had been done to his people; that doesn't make it right, it's not tit-for-tat. But this was the world they lived in, this was the way of thought, and in this world I think he was a far more romantic and idealistic man than most men in his position would have been. Certainly more than his father Philip. It was a highly volatile time. The whole fucking Macedonian race had a chance of being wiped out because they'd been pissing off the Greek southern states for quite a while. Because of Philip's military genius the Greek southern states couldn't do anything. On Philip's assassination they went, “Right. We're going to head north.” Alexander knew that and departed at the turn of a hat and went down and did what he did. They weren't very humanitarian times; battle isn't a humanitarian thing, it never is.

How has the filming of the movie changed you?

It was a very tough and wonderful time. I'll never look for another experience like it cause I'd be in a big pitfall of disappointment for the rest of my life. It was really really special, and absolutely humbling. I still probably haven't processed the whole thing, at this late stage even.
23:57 27-01-2005
А вот если у кое кого...назовем ее условно Амедеа полный пелец с английским Можно, хотя бы коротко, хотя бы своими словами...Пожалуйста!!!
09:54 28-01-2005
ну..кратко.., Фарелл сказал в общем что
я люблю жизнь, очень люблю во всех её проявлениях, не смотря и даже вместе со всем дерьмом, что она швыряет в рожу.)))))))))))))))))))
22:27 29-01-2005
Спасибо! У нас с ним, оказывается много общего
12:32 30-01-2005
Мишель Родригес??
Честно говоря, фуу-у.... :\
16:56 30-01-2005
Supernatural Где Родригез?? Где Мишель?? Кто я???...а...извините.., это уже оговорился.....))))))
так это.. чего Родригес то?...где Родригес?....
16:57 30-01-2005
Амедеа ПАЖАЛУСТА! ))))))))))))