uncle lag
17:39 17-04-2003 rap battle: rabbit vs. giraffe
такой вот rap battle получился у нас сегодня с Giraffe'ом по аське.

(сначала текст шел про наш проект - "codenameTUNNELING")

Damned generation
An aggressive sensation
For a god blessed nation!

uncle lag
an immersive action
pay a motherfucking attention
before you get an elimination
stop on
go bad
our sensation
for a guilty generation

Trace of death
On reBeamer ass
Bones of fools
Where 4B-dden rules

Drive the massive destruction
Of an enemy fraction

I'm on a leash of adrenaline
I see a piper on my rocket line
Damned like a lucifer, dark as a night
I drive the death, to the final fight

uncle lag
yo, man, now check this out, check this out:

drive and let die. lie, stand up and try
to fascinate bizarre, oh my! you, guy, just ask me "why?"
and i'll answer you: "because of the sigh, the only sigh you make before you die",
so be steady, be wise, to get your own prize!

Ya man, now check this, this rhyme man

Go to the final line,
everything will be fine
die if you can
Kill if ya real man
Pull the gas and pull fucking trigger
Burn your way forward, listen me nigga'
Face to face
You and your enemy
Death on your wheels
Tubes and insanity
Face to face
You against you
Only one will survive
Never will two

(в этом месте текст переходит на личности. не без шутки, конечно)

uncle lag
kewl, kewl, man. that stuff rulez, yeah!

you freak, you prick, i've learned your trick.
apparently kewl chick is suckin' yer dick?
but you're nothing at all, stand up and you'll fall!
you think you rocking this place with your BIG HEAVY MAUL?
not anymore, baby. i'm laughing and roll.
eat this motherfucker, stop breathing. your call.

Oh yeah, I see, new kid in a town rapper wannabe
That's ait, man, you'll got it all, I'm accepting that call
I'm rolling my dice, you'll see now the real man dick size
You would like to run, and I'll make of you fun
Hey mother fucker, are you already afraid?
It's just a beggining, but for you it's too late
Now give me some rhyme, show what you can,
I'm standing, I'm smiling, I'm waiting ya man

давай ходи

uncle lag
ща погоди
(тоже рифма, межпрочим)

круто пиши

uncle lag
репу чеши

эй, не смеши )

uncle lag
потише, дыши.
меня не спеши,
ведь я вообще-самый-крутой-рэпер-на-этом-ебанном-свете.
и ваще.

якши якши
Тутенгез кеджелеб кирдык нагадын, шайтан сундук тащи карабын

uncle lag
oh, oh, look at him. re-lease you steam!
i'm not your vic-tim, but not in your team.
the "real man dick"? i'd give it a kick.
the real man kick! what ball should i pick?
you tired and sick, and should i say - freak?
ooh, i forgot - you're da "man wiv' da motherfucking BIG DICK!"
forgot your insane. you're captured and stained.

yeah i would talk with you, but this train is got-to-go
so i'm gonna leave you now. it's cut.
PRAISE ME! cuz it maybe the only opportunity that you got

beat it.

I hear a voice of a kid, not a man
I would laugh at those mother fuckers that once called you Stan
You're empty, just a shell of a insanity a pride, where is you truth man?
What is your life? With what do you live? Can you see the light, can?
You think you have power, but this is just an illusion
And you, you are just a victim of this your own delusion
You give me a kick? Go kick it, I will stand and I endure
As I was hardened on the srtreets, dirty and poor
And that I will smash, all your words and you rhymes
You will than understand, that this is MY time

Eat this
I'm waiting

Каста рулит

uncle lag
давай, давай, ща мы поглядим
кто рулит - эм или каста ))

да, без базара, только сначала поедим
а рулит душа чистая, без которой склишь ласты

uncle lag
now listen, now here comes the rabbit again.
he slams it, he jams it and he does what he can.
whatever you think, he's stan, he's da man.
the rhyme is the rule. so, the battle began..
particular bit of the poetry rise
they gather in sentences, growing in size,
unite into phrases, so rap will suffice
unstoppable will to beat your damned lies.
and i speak no bullshit, i'm telling you truth!
still your long crappy lines will not bring any sooth.
yeah, hit it - i'll spit it! belive me, you'll lose.
stay in the rules or leave out. now you choose.
18:31 17-04-2003
Ну что, продолжим... ?

Not bad lad, but still its a sucks
You're thinking in notions, that have their stupid tags
Rhymes, verses, poetry, the're not just words
For me - THIS is life, that decide all the odds
I have nothing but that, citizen of nation
That was sent to the after-drug of dreams rebialition
And you? You spit in my soul, tored into pieces
You! Just a spawn that looks for your album releases
And I don't care 'bout all that crap, I live here, I'm Russian
Here, where I - God, Idea, love, you - hate, pain and fashion!

Next turn )
18:31 17-04-2003
вот это вы хуячите .... господа дезигнеры .... респект вам
(хоть реп мне и не нравится)

отредактировано: 17-04-2003 18:32 - simps

uncle lag
20:03 17-04-2003
muahahaha, boy, you scared me! i fear!
here, kome zu mir, stand me near.
i see you came up to the lack of idea?
you're not a rapper, you're something re-pear.
or maybe a PR? yea, blackish black PR.
but, let's go back. well, it's like rear.
deep into the void, reminding me VR..
the stuff that you call a "reality gear".
the context i see is virtualized
it can't be Giraffe! why can't you suffice?
suffice with the words that come out from your mouth.
get used with it! or i'll demolish you house!
okay, let's get straight, wanna beat me up?
you'd better be up fella, when i read up.
so, hey mothafucka, you don't waste a day,
it was a nice try for ye, what can i say?
Key Duch
11:21 18-04-2003
И от меня респект (какое модное слово
12:34 18-04-2003
Nice try indeed from your yellow mouth
Like "Ich bin kline Micky Mouse", ya not a rabbit man, you're just a fucking mouse
Not more, not less, making that foolish high sound
That ussualy mouses do when by the cat ot found
You are forsaken, man, forsaken by world
You're rap are all too stupid, childlike, but old
I'm a future, you're in the past, hear me? In the past forever!
That will in this life repeat will, motherfucka, never
And that, I know that fact, it drives you mad
What can youy say on that, lad?

Oups, did I got ya? $)
17:37 20-04-2003
хо хо ! здесь кто - то нагадил .... а цокобаша убрал дерьмо .... %-\ цоко, шо это было ?
uncle lag
11:13 21-04-2003
кто-кто.. а ты как думаешь? ip-шники на серваке log'ятся, про'traceroute'ить несложно.
теперь поставил unregistered can't post comments.
12:17 21-04-2003

я вот только хотел предложить ....
хотя там и без айпишников было видно ....
unique zayob style ....
03:22 24-04-2003
uncle lag
10:32 24-04-2003
ууу.. somebody, please "stop genetic manipulations" (c) 2:465/50.0, a.kuznetsov
Brazen ssl
15:09 28-06-2003
Никогда бы не подумала,что буду читать это с таким интересом-восторгом...Просто супер!