22:02 15-02-2005 Nevermind
Every morning you start new day,
Every day you stаrt to moving forward from me.
everytime i did these things too
Before i woke up without you...
But it's not a reason,
Sooner it's result of cathing me in my own prison,
I don't feel depressed,
But among a people i feel like i'm undressed...
No matter what i say!
No matter, what i think!
Try to take care 'bout yourself!
This words are just blink-blink!
First time in my life
I'm able to cross that line...
But i'm so tired - It's never mnd!
кусок песни. Выльется скорее всего в четвёртую по счёту... Эх гитариста бы и басиста и барабанщика...