Bird on the wire
05:08 23-03-2005 I wonder about night
I wonder about night
What the night takes,
Sighs buried deep,
Ancient heart-aches,
Groans of the lover,
Tears of the lost;
Let day discover not
All the night cost!
I wonder

Let the night keep
Love's burning bliss,
Drowned in deep sleep
Whisper and kiss,
Thoughts lie white flowers
In hedges of May;
Let such deep hours not fade with the day,
Oh, I wonder about Night
(c) William Rose Benet
15:32 25-11-2005
William Rose Benet
а кто это?
Bird on the wire
17:04 02-12-2005
Крылатый , это американский поэт, в своё время даже получил Пулитцеровскую примию.