11:37 26-07-2005 CivIV

IGNPC: What about the new religion system? That sounds really promising. How does it work in the game?

Barry Caudill: The first Civilization to discover a technology attached to the founding of a religion will establish a holy city for that religion and it will begin to spread, although slowly. To speed up the process, you can create missionaries and send them out to try to convert other cities. Also, just like the Civics, AI leaders may try to get you to convert to their religion.

IGNPC: With as much depth and accuracy as there is in the Civilization franchise, there are some other general historical themes -- things like slavery, civil wars, epidemics, ideological conflicts, etc. -- that either weren't present or were heavily abstracted. Naturally, you have to remain extremely sensitive on some of these issues but are you planning to incorporate mechanics to highlight previously neglected historical phenomena?

Barry Caudill: Well we aren't trying to alienate anyone out there but we are paying more attention to some of the more serious issues where it makes sense. As I mentioned, slavery is a Civics option but so is emancipation. Epidemics aren't directly modeled but the idea of tying a city's health to available food and resources helps to simulate this. Ideological conflicts are a definite possibility as a result of the AI leader personalities and their ties to certain religions or civics.

IGNPC: How does the tech tree of the new game compare to that in previous versions? Are you sticking with specific trees for distinct eras? What are some of the new technologies or new technological considerations available?

Barry Caudill: There are two major changes from Civilization 3. First, there are no longer set eras and the player is free to choose any path whether it be all-military, all-science, balanced, etc. Second, you don't need all of the techs that lead to the one you want, you only need to connect to it. In previous versions you may have had to research two or three things to get access to the one they connect to.

IGNPC: Tell us a little about the trade and economy systems? Any surprises there?

Barry Caudill: In Civilization 4, you get automatic trade routes after you establish a trade agreement with a particular leader. Also, rivers work like roads so two cities on the same river are connected even if no roads have been built.

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