07:17 28-08-2005
After rewatching FIGHT CLUB the only thing that helps me get back to normal life is a shower: cold, hot or whatever.

The first thing you think after watching this film is: TYLER is right, he's the one the World should have. HELL oh no.

If Tyler's "Self-improvement is masturbation. Self distruction........" then what can actually be good about Tyler? The only thing he admires is self-destruction whether it's good or not. That's why he gathers an army of sado-masahistic zombie-like cowards, not even able to think. Only destroy, that's all.

Then. OK, God exists but he possibly doesn't like you or hates you, and you don't need any God. Then what does God have to do with this world?????

More. Denying God means denying endless life. Denying all the moral principles turns you into an animal or even worse: a virus.

And the last thing. Nobody, even the Tyler Durden himself would not really tell why people need to build another system as well as why the hell people live in this world. That's because he just doesn't think about God. He thinks he doesn't need Him.

So the whole idea with TYLER wanting to change the World doesn't make any sence. That means that TYLER didn't come for this. He only came to change the main character.

Then this would mean that the whole film describes one big natural unconcious World order mistake which leads to the new society consisting of the members of the Fight Club only. It's not better than the World occupated by the machines.

This has nothing to do with my attitude to FIGHT CLUB as a movie, because its plot, directing and everything else is a different talk. This is only some of my thoughts of what this movie is about.

P.S. Sorry for misprints. Watch the time I've written the post =)

and i'm feelin ...... sleeping almost