19:39 01-09-2005 Йистория продолжается
АААгх! я за последний год столько не писала в общей сложности в целых предложениях (расчеты не счетаются) как сейчас...поэтому пальцы у меня дрожат и по клавишам больше не попадают, осторожно очепятки.

ну вобщем это развитие "универса" опять же а не история. ничего худо.жественного я пистаь пока не буду, сначала будет консепт арт...

The 8 guardians of the Circle make a one whole, others exist separately. But each of the creators of the world has it's own partocular character though and ability to make decisions.

Harmony (Azrael)
Is the youngest one, he was the las of the 8 to come into the world, therefore his brothers often call him "lastborn" or "little one" ^_^
He doesn't really know what he is on, he's very moody: can smile happily and brust out int tears one second later.

Darkness (Morrlan)
Ambisous, arrogant, self-assure. Smart, dynamic, can sometimes be rude towards his brothers and crues toward the mortals. Is kinky Loves Azrael and his twin-brother to pieces though. He can be considered as the eldest of all.

Light (Telrion)
Is kind, concearned about everyone, soft, caring and cheerful. Almost Morrlan's opposite but gets along perfectly well with his twin-brother. Is very upset with Azrael's isolation.

Calm, could. Has a strong natural grace of a ice-figure. His body is overall in a death state (no heart beating, no blood-running) as is frozen at the very moment of death, it is kept intact by decay by the Guardian's powers. Death came into the worl, following darkness and light, but mentally he would be older than the twins who are often sorta childish. With the cols of his breath he can sooth sorrow, casting on his brothers a healing death-like sleep.

The reasonable, rationnal, all-knowing. He detains all the memory of everything happened in the world since his coming, and shares it with others of the Circle.

Knows all the possibilities of future events, has the power to change them.

Has build the 3 dimensions we all know, and the notion of movement.

He was the first to create a non-living things and have the idea of creating something that has a will of it's own, and called it life. He gave shape to the guerdains' physical bodies and to that of all existing creatures. Loves nature, especially non-intellectual things like animals and plants. Hates technology of the human race like hell!

Reletionship within the circle and between the Guardians.
First of all is the notion of brotherhood and brother-love. Affection, complicity, that no Guardian would have with mortal beings.
Second is physical love. Note that none of the Guardians is able to procreate in a human way, they make beings and don't give birth. Therefore they do not assiciate sex and procreation. they don't have the same distiction between male and female: the Creator-Guardians have male bodies, and guardians of secondary domains (Elemental and mental) chose their physical appearence, seing that mortal beings are of different genders.
So All of the Immortals can be considered as bi. Although there are no regular "couples" between them, since the all have affection for each other.
Note that: if you feel like drawing nudity or couple pictures envolving some of thise characters, don't cross the RP-13 rating, kays? Or I'll eat your head.

Secodary domains Guardians live generally among humans, but those of the Circle have not only created their own clans, but also their won homeworlds (planets or whole systems) reflecting their personality.

World of Darkness: The planet of twilight, where no sun never actually rises. There are mostly rocks, vast plains and no visible climat changes there. Plants live there though, some animals - mostly reptiles and lots of dragon-like insects and birds of strange beauty: with large crystal or bat-like wings. Nothing is cultivated there. The centre of the planet is the Midnight temple, where the dark ones are resembled. There are several unhabited moons turning around this planet with secret places and artifacts hidden there.

World of light: the system of Eliana, one densly populated, very developed panet with it's two moons, and a Blue star. The Light keepers work with Humans, but do not allow them to land and moreover stay on their main planet. Eliana world has a large variaty of climats (mostly like earth)

The Dead world: a world of ice, snow, stones. Nothing survives there but unliving things. Some say than mountains sing there...or that snow builds itself strange sculptures, distroyed thereafter by the winds. The nacromancers hide out in their stronghold temple hidden under the ice. they do use technology but of a simple and rough kind: mostly mecanics, heavy droids.

The Space...of space.
Where the 3D laws don't really exist anymore...

The living world
A world of divine, untouched by any distruction nature.

Timeless world
Noone knows if it really still exists. Some time-spinners related artifacts were found indeed but all over the universe.

The Wolrd of Mind
No ideas XD All forgotten, lost through centuries.

The Temple of Fate
The Sanctuary of destiny, the first planet created. You can not get there through normal space, it is a planet not making part of a star system of any galaxy. Only guardians know how to get there, and human servers of the Temple are allowed to take portans made by the guardian of Space to take them there. The Servants were the only humans who perpetuated the tradition of worshipping Fate and It's Guardians, and while all others have lost their faith, the searvants of Fate tryed to keep the Temple whole. The temple is a huge group of buildings, sanctuaries (one of every guardian) and the lonely tower in the center of it, Azrael's place.

The Timescale.
If You have read The Story and it is till unclear, or if you didn't, than it's moreover to understand.
The Guardians don't change (exept Azrael) so the way you design them is what they looked like when they first took their physical forms,a nd what they will look like when they will all awake from their sleep
Thus they left their mortal bodies, spirits subsisting in a dreamless sleep in some invisible realms of existance.
The "NOW" moment of this universe is when most of the Guardians are Asleep, and those who have already awakened, distirbed by what was happening with their world arethose of darkness, Light and harmony. The Next one is Death. Then other Creator Guardians and only then the other ones.
at this "NOW" moment the universe is of the modern times, like of 25th our centuary for example.

Their Origins:
The circle of Guardians was before the world we know has appeared, modeled by their hands.
The firt one who came to be into the universe was the Guardian of darkness - Morrlan, he broung the Darkness with him, and the one who followed was his twin brother: telrion, Guardian of light.
Than folowed Mind, Time, Space, and so on.
There 7 major domains of the universe each one has it's own guardianarkness, Light, Death, Life, Time, Mind, Space. There is also Harmony, standing within and apart. But there are also aditionnal domains, minor ones, relative to the world that those 9 have built, like Water, Energy, Conflict, Fire, ect.
The 8 main guardians have each one his own race of mortal beings, while the minor ones do not.
Each of the folowing Guardians is related to one main state or feeling like: harmony - grief, darkness - rage, light - peace, Mind - reason, Conflict - passion...
The 8 ones are all male, and others can have male of female appearence, they concider each other as brothers and sisters, but the 8 ones constitute a whole.
There is no good and evil among the Guardians, they all are both creation and destruction.

Physical appearence
Mostly human, exept for large pointy ears. They don't have body hair. Their skin tones are variable, but are alwas light and little saturated, close to the human skin tones.
Their skin is covered with markings, which appear when the Guardian wants them to. The markings tell everything about the existance of the preson who wears them, from his/her coming into the world.
The guardians can make appear wings, to carry them, thought most of them levitate without wings. Wings are the same color that the hair, or close.
The skin, hair, markings color reflects the personnality of each Guardian.

Clothes and inventory
They all wear clothes of ancient times: with long folds, large jewels incrustated in different metals, capes and such, colors and patterns relfecting related to their domain.
They all (exept Azrael) have a staff they carry as a token-symbol of their power, and can use it to canalise their magic or simply as a weapon.

The Clans structure:
Each and every of the main guardians has created his own subrace of mortals, who are human, but posess some powers gifted by the Guardian to them. These are the Clans of Fate.
The clan members, left without their Gaurdians to develop on their own, grew although fairly different from their masters.
These mortals live in a modern society, and have almost lost the knowledge of the ancient times, through generations. Each Clan has followed it's own path and has a certain place in the Human society:

The Light Keepers is a well-developed hi-tech civilisation, respecting their laws and that if other cultures. Their environement is that of well-preserved nature coexisting with plastic and glass, sophisticated technology. Their skin is pale blue, their yeys are bright-blue shining like the star of their main system - Eliana. The members of their society can be classifyed as folowing:
Their characteristica powers are: healing and self-healing, emotionnal telepathy, levitation, light energy spells.

The Dark Ones: well developed, in secret, hidden from the majority of the humans. They master the new technologies but more in a biomecanical way, adding the remains of ancient magic to their makings. They are an agressive and dominative race, unwilling to share the world with humans. Their classes are:
They do engage humas as workers, and for other basic tasks. Their main powers are: life energy-draining, mind-distroying telepathy, rage spells.

The time-spinners:
Are considered as extimct though some rumors say that some remained and try to regain the mastery of time they once had.

The mentalists:
Are a banned race. They don't have a home planet, and are thought to be a result of some genetic experiments on human brain. But they are present all over the universe, and have mostly joined teh Light Keepers in the conflict opposing Light and Darkness.
Their powers consist on telepathy, telekinesis, mind-seing and creating visions, dreams and such.

The Space-shifters:
Were never heared to exist in the civilised systems.

The Necromancers:
Still remain, on a far-away from all known roads system, on a lifeless world all covered with ice, stands their temple, when they preserve their knowledge, for generations to come. Long ago, letting the humans know what their powers consist on drove them almost to extinction.

The Life-givers
The race itself was definetly lost, mixed with other humans, as were lost their traditions and knowledge, though bits of their powers now remain in many human beings, undiscovered.

The Humans.
Were created by the 8 and gifted with a little of all their powers, but do not know it. Few of them stull believe in Gods and Goddeses who, they think, have created them. But the truth was lost through centuries.

муахахахаха! теперь точно мало не покажется!)))
19:40 01-09-2005
ненене, я щас очень пьян, чтобы это осилить... Завтра, ок? ))
20:54 01-09-2005
Ilufus *тащит Ilufus-а в отрезвитель* ))))
23:04 01-09-2005
ML Spectre ^^
Во, щас мошт осилю, да.
А придраться не к чему почти.
Единственное, что смутило...
Knows all the possibilities of future events, has the power to change them.

Стало быть, Время всемогуще? o_O

Продолжения хатим-с, даа) Сюжет уже, наконец, все такое ^_^
13:27 02-09-2005
Ilufus да не...если может изменить это не значит. что станет, или что ему дадут (остальные). Бессмысленно разрушать свои собственные порядки, меняя ход самого времени.
сюжет-сюжет...посмотрим может начало будет)
17:17 02-09-2005
ML Spectre даже если не всемогуще - всезнающе, хотя бы. Это уже имба )
18:40 02-09-2005
Ilufus ну боги по оприделению всезнающие, иначе трудно им пришлось бы))