12:38 28-01-2006 ЗАПИСЬ ТРИСТА ПЯТИДЕСЯТ ПЯТАЯ :: Акция
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ACTION - In South-America - ALERT- ACTION - In South-America - ALERT - ACTION - In South-

In South-America too: Help Stop Azerbaijan's Destruction of Armenian Cemetery

PROTEST! Send an e-mail to UNESCO Director for Mercosur (Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Venezuela) Mr. Jorge Grandi.

Azerbaijani armed forces are in the process of destroying a medieval Armenian cemetery, including unique carved stone crosses (khatchkars), in the southern Nakhichevan region of Djulfa.

Send a e-mail urging to the UNESCO Director for the Mercosur ( for Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Venezuela) Mr. Jorge Grandi to call on Azerbaijan to stop its destruction of the Djulfa Armenian cemetery - a unique and irreplaceable treasure of the world's cultural heritage.

Take Action Now!! Please enter http://www.ian.cc and take action! (The website is in Spanish)


Armenian National Comitee of South-America (ANC)
International Armenian Network (IAN) web site.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE? (for all your non-Spanish speakers)

Please go to http://www.ian.cc and sign the petition to Demand Halt to Azerbaijan's Destruction of Armenian Cemetery

The website is in Spanish, but for all your non-Spanish speakers, this guide through the website..it's very simple.

Find the red box that says "ALERTA - ACCIÓN GENOCIDIO CULTURAL Acción conjunta del Consejo Nacional Armenio de Sudamérica (CNA) y el sitio IAN ". Click on "ACTUA YA!!!!!".

You will be redirected to a page with info on The Destruction of Armenian Cemetery and just click on "CONTINUAR" at the bottom of the page to sent an email to the the UNESCO Director for the Mercosur.

Next you will be taken to the page of the actual letter...at the tope of the letter there will be a blank that says "asunto" and you can type in “NO AL GENOCIDIO CULTURAL ARMENIO".

Then at the bottom of the page sign your name (nombre/apellido), country (país), state/province (provincia/estado), city (ciudad) and email.

We needed thousands of signatures. Please do your part to send this info to friends and family.

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