02:05 05-02-2006 извеняюсь за ошибки..но уж так написано,наскоро..почему то на английском..!
mistakes.. its just part of past.. past is past.. the main benefit of future-is that we can change it.. but future is a result of present present is most to say..!.. isnt it??(am i not too boring?? just head "woke up" and started thinking again )

i think if we have smth good to remind from the past and to see good in the present - all mistakes became not so important..

and... as I THINK about being perfect.. people cant be perfect..becoase its like.. loosing of personality.. nobodys perfect! shore- self-developming is nesessury.. but perfect man..i think that perfect man became just a robot.. and.. being perfect just makes somebody..unperfect!!
am i right, how do you think???