17:36 02-03-2006 настроение (сама себе)
Hey Bitch
You're not on the list
You witch, you suck, you bitch/ they said
Hey Bitch
You're not on the list
You witch, you suck, you bitch/ they said
Hey Bitch
You're not on the list
What's your name again ?
Hey Bitch
You're not on the list
You witch, you suck, you bitch
Hey Bitch
You're not on the list
Hey Bitch
You're not on the list
You Bitch
You're not on the list
You witch, you suck, you bitch
What's your name again ?
Hey Bitch
You're not on the list
Hey Bitch
You're not on the list
You Bitch
You're not on the list
You witch, you suck, you bitch

Current music: Mylene Farmer