15:37 09-03-2006 Chapter 6, part 2
The next day I got up early and came up to the window. Actually, his estate was just amazing.I heard the songs of nightingales, the mild wind blew round my face, my cheeks and tickled my neck.The morning was sunny and carefree. My traveller entered. I noticed that he had differed since the previous day.He wasn't glad, he didn't smile and his eyes didn't look into mine. We understood each other without any words but with the gestures.
He went out.I followed him. Some minutes later we had already been far from that place.
I was bold that day and asked him if I could know why he had taken me from my house and where we were going.He was terse. ''No, you can't know that'' - that was his answer. I said, ''Then I can run from you, you didn't ask me if i want to go after you''. - ''But you don't like your former life.'' - he reminded to me.His words cut me without a knife. I had a house but I didn't have children, a husband, parents.My life was boring.I had just an elderly uncle who lived in the edge of the town and I had to visit him every Saturday and to take care of him. Then I became meek. His remark made me think that I had only one way - I had to change my life.
'What do you believe in?' he asked.
'In myself' I replied.
'And that is all?' - 'Mh..yes I think the person is the owner of himself.Sometimes I'm not so strong and I begin to believe in the destiny... And you?'
He laughed.
'Well, that is why I chose you.You will have to believe in some supernatural things.They are more valuable than a person. A person? Who is he? How many people are there on the Earth?And what does one person mean here?Just nothing!'
I was quite surprised.Really he was right.There are many things that people try to explain with the explorations.But who can explain the fortuitousnesses and miracles which happen to us every day?