16:45 11-06-2006
списано на слух - в Инете фиг найдешь.

Panzer AG - Among The New

All my regrets I buried in ashes,
My lustful life killed it all.
I spread my arms,
I filled my lungs with air,
I can hear my bones crush against the reefs.

Please understand,
I've got nothing left to give you.
Until the end,
Until we meet again.
Until, my friend,
I will meet you by the river.

Turn around, walk away,
And don't look back - the threat is real.
I've done everything I can.
With rusted nails they nailed me down,
I cannot bleed, already dead.
Don't shed your tears,
I had no choice.

Please understand,
I've got nothing left to give you.
Until the end,
Until we meet again.
In my head there is something tall to war.
But till, my friend,
I will meet you by the river.
But till, my friend,
I will meet you by the river.

Please understand,
I've got nothing left to give you.
Until the end,
Until we meet again.
In my head there is something small to war.
But till, my friend,
I will meet you by the river.
Please understand,
I've got nothing left to give you.
Until the end,
Until we meet again.
Until, my friend,
I will meet you by the river.
00:38 12-06-2006
With rusted nails the that nailed me down,

я так подозреваю
а вообще сильно. выложишь где-нибудь, а?
00:55 12-06-2006
thx, что заметил

послушай асю при случае - может она тебе шепнет ;)
01:02 12-06-2006
в асе кое-кто прицепил на себя ярлык "гамаю". а я, как человек деликатный...
01:31 12-06-2006