19:00 16-09-2003 áóäóùèé ðîêíîëëüíûé õèò
ïîñâÿùàåòñÿ íàì - ïî÷èâøèì íà ñâàëêå èñòîðèè

she`s sending the fluids
while you hiding the liquids
beside the ruins
remembering “how it was”

the wonderful seasons
the unreal clothes
the unicorn has leaved us
it was… was… was… was…

history garbage, yeah we on the history garbage heap…

collecting old photos,
buried the hopes
counting losses…
does it really was?

history garbage, yeah we on the history garbage heap…

let`s find something better
just you and me
it`s time for serious matter:
“what should we be?”

history garbage, yeah they are on the history garbage heap…

èñïîëíÿåòñÿ â äóõå Jefferson Airplane âïåðåìåæêó ñ Cream, ùåäðî ñäîáðåííûì ïñèõîäåëè÷åñêèìè çâóêàìè ëèôòîâ äî 13 ýòàæà...