13:49 26-06-2007 ЗВшное, все чудесатее и чудесатее.
[изображение]Кусочек текста из "Инферно" - следующей книги серии "Наследие Силы".

"I know you'll do the best thing for Hapes," Jacen said, sounding slightly amused. "I was asking about you and Allana."
"About us?" Tenal Ka was surprised by the question, for the answer was as obvious as it was painful. "You must know the answer to that already."
The color drained from Jacen's face. "What about hiding? I could ask the Fallanassi to take you in."
Tenel Ka smiled sadly. "That will work for a time, Jacen -- perhaps even until the Confederation grows tired of looking for us. But they can't rule Hapes without Hapan blood on the throne, and whoever they install as their puppet won't tire. The pretender will be too frightened of me or Allana trying to return, and she'll keep looking until we're dead."
Jacen's shoulders slumped, then he dropped back onto the couch and cradled his head. "Then we have no choice."
"About what?" Tenel Ka asked, alarmed by the desperation in his voice. "Jacen, if you are considering using something like Alpha Red --"

А Альфа Ред, это такой пушной зверь, ага.
Интерессссно девки пляшут, если снизу посмотреть...

И из нового выпуска "Наследия", но уже комиксов, пара страничек. Наконец-то Кейду стали рисовать морду лица более менее ничего. Ура. Хотя побриться бы ему по-прежнему не мешало бы.