23:58 11-10-2003
Daddy was a soldier he taught me about freedom
Peace and all the great things that we take
advantage of
Once I fed the homeless, I'll never forget
I look upon their faces as I treated them with

This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
Life keeps on dropping bombs
And I keep score

Momma was a lunatic, she liked to push my buttons

She said I wasn't good enough, but I guess I
wasn't trying
Never like school that much, they tried to teach
me better
But I just wasn't hearing it because I thought I
was already pretty clever

This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
They keeps on dropping bombs
And I keep score

This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
They keep on dropping bombs
And I keep score

What do you expect from me?
What am I not giving you?
What could I do for you to make me OK in your

This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
They keep on dropping bombs
And I keep score

This is my Vietnam
I'm at war
Life keeps on dropping bombs
And I keep score

This is my Vietnam
This is my Vietnam

Current music: Pink - My Vietnam
00:45 12-10-2003
Никак не могу понять... тебе нравится Pink вообще или только эта песня?
Four hundred years
08:48 12-10-2003
а чё..у Пинки=)) тоже есть хорошие пести...
18:42 12-10-2003
не... к пинк я отношусь нормально...
но нравица (в полном смысле слова) тока эта песня...
может и от не знания.
20:40 12-10-2003
Ну... я к ней отношусь как-то так... ну, не особо серьёзно... так, иногда в бэкграунде играет... есть у неё хорошие композиции...
А эта... ну, не знаю... как-то не особо останавливал на ней внимание... не проходная, но и не особо заметная.
17:57 13-10-2003
для меня ЭТА прежде всего на акустике цепляет... ну и слова... уж больно как-то они мне прицепились