Roderick Usher
07:23 23-06-2008
Вчера посмотрел Фонтан Аронофского, рыдал как ребенок. Но потом так полегчало.
Очень эмоциональный, красивый фильм. Правда, чувствовалось, что бюджет малый, особенно в сценах из книги.
Из Википедии:
In 1999, Darren Aronofsky and actor Jared Leto saw The Matrix together. Aronofsky said he had mused after seeing the film, "What kind of science fiction movie can people make now?" Aronofsky began to consider new ideas for a science fiction film with his friend from college, Ari Handel.[1] In April 2001, Aronofsky entered negotiations with Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow to direct an untitled sci-fi epic with actor Brad Pitt in the lead role.[2] Aronofsky's previous film, Requiem for a Dream, had been screened for Pitt, and the preliminary script for The Fountain persuaded the actor to join the project.[3] Aronofsky had been writing the film with Handel. The director said the film would explore new territory similar to how Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and The Matrix had redefined the genre. Aronofsky wanted to go beyond typical science fiction films that were plot-driven by technology and science. "We've seen it all. It's not really interesting to audiences anymore. The interesting things are the ideas; the search for God, the search for meaning," said Aronofsky. The director said that the film would be "the most ambitious thing I've done to date and the biggest challenge".[2]

Aronofsky was influenced by the accounts of Uruguayan journalist Eduardo Galeano, who wrote examples of myth from an indigenous perspective,[4] particularly Galeano's Genesis trilogy.[3] The film Once Upon a Time in America also served as an influence in Aronofsky's writing of The Fountain.[5] The director traveled with a crew to Central America to consult with Mayan experts like Moises Morales Marquez and to explore the ruins of Palenque. The group also made a visit to Tikal, a jungle location that had been featured in the original Star Wars.[1] To design a rainforest set, the films Aguirre, the Wrath of God and The Holy Mountain were screened for the crew for inspiration.[6] In June 2001, actress Cate Blanchett entered talks to join Aronofsky's project.[7] Aronofsky, who wanted the film's actual title to be a secret, gave the project the working title of The Last Man.[8] Production was postponed to improve the script and wait for Blanchett, pregnant at the time of signing on board, to give birth to her child that December. The start date for production was tentatively set to begin in summer 2002.[9]

In June 2002, Warner Bros. met with Aronofsky and producer Eric Watson, expressing concerns over an escalating budget and threatening to cease the project unless a co-financier was found. Watson petitioned independent production companies for support and was able to enlist Regency Enterprises for assistance.[3] Production was ultimately set for late October 2002 in Queensland and Sydney, Australia. The film, officially titled The Fountain, was greenlit with a budget of $70 million, co-financed by Warner Bros. and New Regency, who had filled the gap after Village Roadshow's withdrawal from the project. This marked the first collaboration between the two companies since Regency switched distribution to 20th Century Fox (who would distribute in most international territories). Actress Ellen Burstyn, who starred in Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream, had also been cast alongside Pitt and Blanchett.[10] Preparation for production of The Fountain cost $18 million.[11] Abruptly, Pitt, whose requested script revisions to the screenplay were not met, left the project seven weeks before the first day of shooting.[1] The actor went on to star as Achilles in director Wolfgang Petersen's Troy.[12] With the studio threatening to shut down the project, Aronofsky overnighted the script for The Fountain to actor Russell Crowe as a potential replacement for Pitt. However, Crowe, worn out from recently completing Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, declined the offer.[3] In September 2002, Jeff Robinov, President of Production at Warner Bros. Pictures, announced that The Fountain would cease production,[12] with Blanchett receiving compensation for her time and the Australian crew being fired from the halted project.[3] Sets built for the production of the film, including a 10-story Aztec temple, were eventually auctioned off, in addition to props and other items.[13] Pitt said that he was disappointed to leave and added, "I remain encouraged that The Fountain will yet have its day."[12]
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Скроблится: Anathema - Are You There
Активность мосска: сомнамбулическое
23:01 23-06-2008
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насколько серьезно? О_о