ANTI geroj
15:34 19-11-2003
All right! Lets see… I got some news for you my diary… I got my self a …?! WoooW!!! Feels great! Really truly great! I got my self a … (hold your breath) a HAIR CUT!!! Totally fantastic! I don’t meant that its so nice, or so cool, or something else like that, I just mean that the fact that I finally got my lazy ass, to the barber shop… is just amazing… I been thinking about doing that for quite a while… And now its done. Well, well, well… U see I made a slight, tiny bit on my road… And that makes me really glad… shaved, with a new hair cut… so now its only, lenses that I have to get, and than I’ll be done with my “repair” program, about my looks…

P.S:×ÅÐÅÇ 5 ËÅÒ ÿ áóäó æèòü â Ëîíäîíå è ó ìåíÿ áóäåò çàðïëàòà ìèíèìóì 50.000$ â ãîä !

Previdenija i duhi (paralel'naja real'nost')

Voobshem, tak ili inache, ja delal nekotorije medlennie shagi, k tomu chto bi nachat' znakomitsja s devushkami... estestvenno v svojom, umerennom tempi, no moj krugozor stal medlenno rasshirjatsja... do teh por poka na pervom mojom bolee menije nastojashem "svidanii". Eto bila natasha gribejnik... kak ja vposledstvii ponjal eto destvitel'noj moj tip devushki... uvidev jejo spustja mnogie godi v sthlme, ja daze ne zadumivajas' ob etom potenulsja k nej... tjoplaja, milaja russkaja devushka prijatnoj polnoti... no vozrashajas' k tomu chto proizoshlo mne odin iz russkih prohodivshih mimo(Ilja Nechajev) dal po morde... tk. on reshil chto eto imenno mi slomali ego velosiped. V rezul'tate vsego etogo, velosipednogo incidenta, 1. ja ushol iz russkoj shkoli 2. ja esho na nekotoroe vremja otoshol nazad v razvitii (na paru mesjacev) 3. ja poshol v finskoshvedskuju shkolu...