13:25 04-06-2009 The Russian service
It is a sad story about a low level and a low quality of service in Russia. I wrote it basing on my own experience.

My husband and I on November, 08, 2008 signed the Contract with «The Moscow Furniture Association LTd» (hereinafter «The Seller») about a delivery of the furniture for our kitchen.

Accordingly to the article 3.2 of the above mentioned Contract, the total price was about 10 000,00 dollars.
This sum was paid by us in two parts. The first bigger tranche was paid on the day, when we signed the deal. The other one – on Desember, 20, 2008.

Accordingly to the article 2.1 of the Contract the Seller-company should deliver the furniture to us till March, 03, 2009.

Nevertheless, the liability hadn’t been executed by the Seller and the furniture wasn’t delivered to us.

Besides, the behavior of the general director of the Seller-company was simply outrageous . He called my husband last Friday and said, that a transport company should bring our purchase on Monday. But it wasn’t executed on the mentioned day and on Tuesday and on Wednesday too. My husband didn’t go to work during this time. It should be mentioned that his working-time is very expensive. When we asked the general director of the Seller-company about causes of this situation, he answered, that it was a transport company, who was guilty. His answers sounded like a delusion.

And now, we don’t have the furniture for the kitchen. This room is empty at our place. I don’t have comfort in my flat. I can’t wash up and cook. My husband and I don’t have an adequate nutrition.

I think, the furniture will not be delivered to our address, because the top-manager of the Seller-company is a liar. And we will have to go to the court. Yesterday I called the Consumer Rights Protection Society and got some advice. The specialist of this society told my that I should make a claim to the Seller-company. And I have made it. We will wait during one week and then I will begin the process of the return of our money with the help of the court and Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection.

I always feel sorrow when I think about the Russian mentality. I am sorry that business in I our country bases on a theft. And Russia doesn’t have laws, which could protect the customer without long legal procedures. Now I understand that while my case is considered by court, the Seller-company can disappear with our money.