abbath Buzoni
17:01 07-07-2009
одна известная фотографиня украинского происхождения, профессор в университете Миннеаполиса, придумала вид арта: птиц, которые залетают в ее двор и разбиваются о стекло или по иной причине дохнут, она сует в большой сканер и получается удивительные картины.
вот стих, написанный ея десятилетним сыном:

My Mother’s dead birds

My mother is full of love, full of odd.
She is full of friends and stress and dead birds.
We are quite close, two peas in a pod…
Love of me, love of dead birds, love of words.

A photographer’s charm she has… dead life.
Her birds lead her to most amazing things.
All with black backgrounds no need for a knife.
No need for pain, no need for life to cling.

Like a black crow… a brown closed eyed sparrow.
Like a small window hit humming bird’s song
Like a boy who hits two birds with one throw
Birds’ lives were short and they’re deaths will be long.

We give as gifts for her to scan, dead birds.
We give my mother very pretty words.

Папа любит Windir - Heidra
17:02 07-07-2009
Ниче так стих... пацан шарит!