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11:41 13-03-2010
Ok, essay and cooking.

Advances in transportation and communication like the airplane and the telephone have changed the way that nations interact with each other in a global society. Choose another technological innovation that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.

Technological developments brought uncountable advantages particularly in the branches of communication and transportation between nations and individuals seperated through wide distances. Internet is one of the most important technologic development alongside airplane and telephone.
The internet opened a new world of opportunities and communications. For example, in the way that people assemble in the meetings and conferences. Before the introduction of the internet, it was necessary to fly into another country to conduct business. Now you can meet your business partners in multiple sites and communicate through video or audio conferences.
The electronic mail or simply known as the e-mail also helped in enhancing means of communication over 7 oceans. It made communication quicker as an e-mail is delivered within a minute to the intended receiver. It also made communication easier and cheaper.
Another major contribution of the internet was the introduction of distance learning courses. It gives people an opportunity to study in many universites all over the world without spending time and money going to school and coming back. I'm going to take distance learning course of Antient History and Archeology in the University of Leichester.
In addition, the Internet provides an opportunity for Electronic commerce or e-commerce. For example, the famous site eBay, which is an auction where people from around the world sell and buy goods. This is a very convenient service which I often use if I want to find some rare music record. E-commerce is also a platform for stock trading, buying an airline ticket or paying the telephone bill. Transactions are secure and easy to perform.
In conclusion, I would like to say that , introduction of new technology changes the traditional approaches. Innovation in technology opens a world of new possibilities. It makes processes easier, simpler to the user and provides solutions to various problems and helps in eradicating barriers among nations.
06:26 16-03-2010
Very well done, very few errors, but i tried to also give you valuable suggestions to encourage improvement. Otherwise great job!
Technological developments brought uncountable advantages particularly in the branches of communication and transportation between nations and individuals sepArated through by wide distances. The internet is one of the most important technological developments alongside airplane and telephone.
The internet opened a new world of opportunities for communication. For example, in the way that people assemble in the meetings and conferences. Before the introduction of the internet, it was necessary to fly into another country to conduct business. Now you can meet your business partners in multiple sites simultaneously and communicate through either video or audio conferences.
The Electronic mail or simply known as the e-mail also helped in enhancing means of communication over 7 oceans. It made communication quicker as e-mail is delivered within a minute to the intended receiver. It also made communication easier and cheaper.
Another major contribution of the internet was the introduction of distance learning courses. It gives people an opportunity to study in many universities all over the world without spending time and money going to school and coming back. I'm going to take distance learning course of Ancient History and Archaeology in at the University of Leichester.
In addition, the Internet provides an opportunity for Electronic commerce or e-commerce. For example, the famous website eBay, which is an auction where people from around the world sell and buy goods. This is a very convenient service I often use if I want to find some rare music record (OR when looking for rare music records). E-commerce is also a platform for stock trading, buying airline tickets or paying telephone bills. Transactions are secure and easy to perform.
In conclusion, I would like to say that, the introduction of new technology changes the traditional approaches to **** eg. education, business, etc.. The innovation in technology opens a world of new possibilities. It makes processes easier, simpler to the user, and provides solutions to various problems, and helps in eradicating barriers among between nations.
Бэкки Тэтчер
18:23 17-03-2010
charlock thank you very-VERY much!
I need to check my essays better.