02:57 06-06-2004
а вот тут мне естетичиииииискииии нравится расположение рук.........
Белокурая Бестия
22:45 06-06-2004
Гы.... Каждый прикрывает в сложные минуты самое ценное, что у него есть
Белокурая Бестия
14:53 07-06-2004
СМАТРЫ ШО Я НАШЛА В НОВОСТЯХ....ээээгодичной давности, 7 июля 2003 года:

[07.25] Son Tae Young and Shin Hyun Jun split up
Movie star Shin Hyun Joon (35) and talent Son Tae Young (23) have broken apart after a strenuous two-year relationship. When their relationship was first known to the public in 2001, the couple were caught up in a "love triangle" scandal with talent Joo Young Hoon. As a result, Joo broke up with Son. Since then, Son Tae Young and Shin Hyun Joon have been rumored to be a great couple who planned to marry next year. However, close relations to Son and Shin have said that they didn't get along on a lot of issues. For example, Shin opposed Son's insistence to continue with her acting career. Son also did not want to be pressured to get married because of Shin's older age. Currently, while Son has acknowledged the break-up and moved on, Shin is said to be still dazed at what has happened.