14:34 07-06-2004 Horrey!
I'm done...but only for now=)
Now I have 5 for english, but there are still history and math=)
Hope it'll be the same! Everything is great!
Вот так!

Current music: Charizma
Состояние: Довольное!

22:09 08-06-2004
А откуда вторая картинка?
23:34 08-06-2004
=)КомМиссия...фестеваль комиксов в Москве недавно был...так вот ето от тудова...
бенито маугли
01:46 09-06-2004
if you wanna fight for the red skinhead boots
fight for your brothers and getting your rudes
smash budies faces and ignore fucking rules
and inside the deep skinhead revolt!