18:55 25-08-2004 Fallen Angel(a)
You are not alone
You have an Angel -
who's flying when you smile
and fallen when you cry.
Don't let me fall!

Fall from the blue sky
Fall to the gray life;
No color - not clear
Who's far & who's near
We dress our shadows
& lose our souls, but
never forget the angel
who was so near before,
but you always wanted more & more...
Not angel, not devil -
just average man...
You sure you wanted
exactly you have?
And when it's rain
you feel your heart cry,
Because now you know
with whom you can fly(only)

written by Angel(a)

All truth about Angela for my boy-friends

Послесловие (написано Савченко Екатериной)

Про ангелов ты пишешь,
Про небо, облака,
Про жизнь, но не услышишь,
Как промелькнет она.
Живи, глотая воздух
И наслаждайся ним,
И поделись им с близким:
Любимым и родным.
Не дай ему упасть,
Подставь свое крыло;
И сделай все что сможешь:
Ему не все равно!
Возьми его ты к ангелам
И покажи где свет, и он откроет множество
Невиданных планет.

For Angel
From me!

Please find right way of life and достойного man.
13:43 10-09-2004
hmmm. watch you grammar a bit.
12:35 12-09-2004
So where did you find the mistake? I'm just interested, because I really knew English a bit. But I wrote this for myself not for others, and every word mean something for me, and where you see some grammar misteke I see the meaning of the word(this is the main point!)