23:19 31-07-2006 из интервью о Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Saliens: Will the game be more halflife-like (we must follow the scenario all the time) or rather Oblivion-like (we can go where we want and choose to do other quests)?
The game will definitely be more Half Life-like. It is very action-oriented, and the world is not open-ended. We made this decision because we had to build each level very carefully in order to allow you to use the environment. This is not the type of thing you can do at a huge scale.

Вот такая вот будет "10я часть Might and Magic"... Испортили мне настроение, уроды =( Единственная игра, которую я когда-либо ждал по настоящему, будет диаблой в 3д. =( Даже качать не стану...