14:03 07-09-2015 And continuing last post...
Theres another kinga stupid thing, when people say: "Family is the most important part of my life".

Well, I understand them on emotional level. I understand what they mean.
But when they _actually_ using this principe - its only working while things goes relatively well.

People, just try to understand simple thing - most important part of your life is to keep yourself sane. Or, if you dont like this word - keep yourself adequate.
And only after this - goes family, wealth, money, work, education, ets.

It's actually not so easy - to keep yourself at proper level of adequacy. Theres certain amount of pressure, stress you can withstand, and most important part of your life - not to fall below that level.
And to keep it, different people need different things, but probably you need some future prospects in your life, you probably need some stable work, stable and comfort place to live, you probably need some normal communication with people around, you probably need some hobby or some way to let off steam, some freedom, some spare time, ets.
It's actually not a small part of your life. Not anyone can archieve this.

And if family (or anything) taking too much of this things from you: in exchange theyr just get insane not adequate version of you. Will it be better for anyone?
Obviously - no.

So: Keeping yourself sane and adequate - that is the most important part of your life.
And thats really big part.
All other things, and family too - goes next.