18:35 05-09-2022
dad movie
A dad movie is the kind of movie that fathers watch and advise you to watch.

This kind of movies usually contain middle aged dudes beating other dudes and winning the love of their lives
Ex: hey son! have you ever seen Braveheart? it's one of my favorite movies
other examples for "dad movie"

-die hard
-the Godfather
-the untouchables


cuck fluffer
Someone who is relegated to the sidelines so much that they're not even a cuck, they're the person in charge of giving the cuck a blowjob to get the cuck hard so that the cuck can sit in the corner and masturbate using his own tears as lube while someone else fucks his wife.


text man
a man that you only text. you don't go on dates with them or hook up with them, just have casual conversations until one of you gets bored and ghosts.
'don't fuck your text man, he's just for texts'


The fear one generation of adults holds towards the younger generations succeeding them. Often times coincides with the inability to recall one's own childhood and use this as perspective when formulating opinions about "today's" youth.

The feeling that entertainment, social practices, fashion, etc was superior in one's past when compared with how these are practiced by younger generations in modern times.


bald by choice
A gentleman who has chosen to avoid hair loss or premature balding. He has shaved his head and keeps it that way, maintaining that look.
