Родни де Маниак
21:24 06-05-2004
Желающий спать Маньяк - жуть, комар и чума. Особенно если спать ему как раз не дают. На инглише чуть не заснула, убаюканная нежным (без шуток) голосом препода. Так нет, разбудили, сволочи. Заставили выдумывать статью на английском, на любую тему.
Хотели? Получайте!

5 cats was eaten by old woman, when she was locked in the cellar.
It was a beautiful Friday morning, when Maria Ivanovna went down to the cellar, hoping to find her pet Murzik. The door stood ajar and she was not afraid of the dark.
But drunked metalworker Petrovich, walked along the door tryed to cloze it. As the lock was broken 3 years ago, he found a log and propped up the door outside.
So, Maria Ivaniovna became a prisoner. She had no way to call people becouse of a sturdy foundation of the Stalin's house.
Only after 3 weeks Petrovich remembered, that he has a bottle of vodka in that cellar and opened the door.
Mizerable woman lunged at him, knocked down and ran away.
Maria Ivanovna stayed alive only becouse of her hunting skill. She catched cats and eat them raw. She drunk the water, which gathered near the broken pipe.
"My landlady always was so calm and balanced woman... I don't know, what was the cause of her awful act", said Maria Ivanovna's cat Murzik, who spend 3 weeks on the tree near the home.
Greenpeace refused to comment that accident.

Эта маленькая шалость развлекла меня, и я даже перестала хотеть спать.
12:26 07-05-2004
ахм... [в смущении] а ошибки там намеренно?.. или...
Родни де Маниак
16:00 07-05-2004
Это последствия как моего сонного состояния, так и отвратительного знания английского...
16:29 07-05-2004
Эль Ленэль
21:13 07-05-2004
*выпускает когти и шипит*