14:28 10-01-2006
Алессандра Снгвинетти
from The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams
Cibachrome Print

14:17 10-01-2006
Albrecht Tubke
13:04 10-01-2006
Aernout Overbeeke

Aernout Overbeeke was born in Utrecht , the Netherlands, in 1951. Inspired by what he saw in his favourite museums during lunch breaks he turned to photography immediately after leaving school. After three periods of apprenticeship he started out as a freelance photographer in 1972.

The first ten years of his career he focussed on fashion photography. Since 1982 he has been concentrating on commercial work, which together with editorial work for Conde Nast, for instance, regularly involves travel to beautiful and mysterious places.

Since 1996 Aernout Overbeeke also directs commercials.

Антон, загляни сюда. а вдруг понравится? там на тему...
07:59 10-01-2006
Дэйв Ницше
Dave Nitsche first picked up a camera 20 years ago. That statement is a bit misleading because his first journey into photography only lasted 6 months. Having always been involved in the arts (guitarist, graphic designer, web developer) he had an outlet for his thoughts and emotions. Career changes and life put him in a place where he had never been before. The outlet that was always available was not present any more. So 18 years since he had sold his Canon A1 he decided to try photography again and bought his first digital camera. That was May 15th 2002.

Dave's goal from the beginning was to merge human emotion into non human environments using what ever 'stuff's' (mannequins, glass, guns, fire, etc.) necessary and in the process to be as original as possible. His images are steeped in expressionism but they cover so many catagories that it is hard to place them in just one. The pieces have been admired and praised by critics, photographers, artists and the public in general (through shows, publications and galleries) for their ability to conjure feelings in people that are very deep, very personal and usually reserved for living things.

The scope of Dave's work does not stop at conceptualism or expressionism. He is a fan of all types of imagery and is quite fond of moving from style to style. Enjoy his images and vision.

07:50 10-01-2006
Этот проект посвящаю всему,
что было создано руками человеческими,
ныне почившему в безмолвии и грязи
07:02 10-01-2006
peter turnley
07:01 10-01-2006
01:07 10-01-2006
миа фридрих

i'm not seeing with my eyes, but with my heart and spirit.
No camera can capture what i see.
In order to make visible what i really perceive
i have to manipulate what my camera captures.
00:51 10-01-2006
anton corbijn


Death Valley, USA 1986
This is the vinyl cover photo for " The Joshua Tree ", shot in December 1986
so it wasn’t warm although it is in the desert. This is the most serious set of
shots I have taken of U2 and they became my most well-known photographs
at the time. It was taken with a panoramic camera to take more of the landscapes
in which was the main idea of the shoot : man and environment, the Irish in
America. Not counting the " Rattle & Hum " album, the next cover was a lot more
loose and colourful (" Achtung Baby ").
11:25 09-01-2006
11:21 09-01-2006
17:39 06-01-2006
16:18 06-01-2006
вау... вау! ВАУ!!!
11:51 06-01-2006
Белл Кауфман

очень спокойный и очень просторный
такой размеренный...
очень - просторный
навевает мечты о времени когда планета не будет перенаселена и каждый сможет находиться в таком пространстве, в каком ему комфортно
я понимаю, несколько глупая утопия, однако же приходит в голову
03:16 06-01-2006
abelardo morell
17:27 05-01-2006
Криста Рене

02:00 05-01-2006
Jamey Stillings

Фотографии этого художника просто потрясают! Думаю, это будет отличный новогодний подарок для всех ценителей. Работы часто заставляют улыбаться, вспоминать детство или просто хорошие светлые моменты нашей жизни. С легкой подачи автора малейшие детали и нюансы самых обычных ситуаций приобретают иной смысл - как будто становятся более значимыми. А просто он обращает наше внимание на них, показывает, что надо уметь радоваться жизни и видеть прекрасное во всем, что нам окружает. Иногда стоит пофантазировать, окунуться в мир фантастичного и ирриального. Посмотрите на его работы - они создатут хорошее настроение, которое сделает предстоящий праздник незабываемым! (с) Овен

01:46 05-01-2006
Мария Кикоть
01:33 05-01-2006
Ян Саудек
01:29 05-01-2006
Сара Саудкова