07:43 30-10-2004
что такое....?
что такое "любовь"?.....думаете я знаю?...хехе...конечно...ага....ничего я не знаю...так, проехали.

что такое "дужба"? .. совершенно аналогичная ситуация...ничего я незнаю...не пытаюсь уже...безполезно...

или этого всего нет....или не для меня...или.....или пусто просто..........

з.ы. я люблю музыку и дружу с ней
з.з.ы. и ещё...всегда есть братья и сёстры - в этих понятих "непоняток" не может быть по определению....спасибо вам что вы есть.

Current music: Rage - Falling From Grace: Death Is On It`s Way (Pt.2)
Состояние: ля ля...
23:07 29-10-2004
если кто помнит...когда-то оно было...сейчас так-же хочу....

Кирлин Эльфвайн

я знаков ждал давно с небес
но нету на земле чудес

и нет друзей и нет подруг
один я здесь - лишь сердца стук

всю жизнь любил, и этим жил
но вот с судьбою не дружил

незнаю лжи, незнаю слов
давно уже не видел снов

один я здесь и нет судьбы
и нет ни цели ни борьбы

из радости я сделал грусть
жива лишь боль - а ну и пусть

не может боль спокойной быть
но мне придётся с нею жить

сижу я ночь опять во тьме
а утром снова быть на дне

и будет музыка играть
и с ней весь день я буду спать

Current music: Helloween - Don't Spit On My Mind
Состояние: полнейшее ля ля...
01:24 29-10-2004
одна из самых сильных песен в плане текста(да и исполнение - просто шедевр!) из всех что я когда-либо слышал...

In fact it was close to a real fallout
everything's under control
the speaker said with a serious smile
behind his mask
he knew the truth
I'll bring a new age of better ways
the TV preacher said
just pay today
pay today

World's dressed in black
on earth's judgement day
and I?
I know it can't go on
forbidden signs increase
I'm sitting still at home
and watching

Born in a mourning hall
pale clouds feared the unborn child
then it grew up with growing plans
of suicide
born in a mourning hall
shadows left the fear inside
that Peter Pan will never reach
the other side

It's frightening
exciting to sit at home
and watch the burning fields
hypnotized by the TV snake

Obey and work hard
and feel no anger
just sympathy for the higher class
there's no chance in changing things
cause I am

born in a mourning hall
silent cries ran out
when the cradle breaks
broken dreams were unheared on
the other side
born in a mourning hall
shadows left the fear
in the new born child
that Peter Pan will never reach
the other side


And I'm a part of the machine
a puppet on the strings
a rebel, once
now I'm an old man

Oh, I know this can't go on
but the ghost called fear inside
lames my tongue, my nerves, my mind
eternal fall down
someone cut the strings off
I can't move
to get back courage
I've to face the truth
but not today

Born in a mourning hall
caught inside a web called life
the only way to get out soon
is suicide
born in a mourning hall
pale souls built a frozen world
infected brains
will never reach the other side
the other side

з.ы. даже если никто ничего не понял - всё равно оно того стоит....

Current music: Rage - Living My Dream
Состояние: ля ля...
20:03 28-10-2004
...ля ля...

Current music: Masterplan - Bleeding Eyes
Состояние: ....
08:15 28-10-2004
нечаянно вышло - чесное слово...
I've lived in Heaven, I've been to Hell
And I don't care about the spell
That take me there - or anywhere
Oh, i don't care who cast this spell
I cast it well...

з.ы. и чего бы это значило?

Current music: Iron Savior - Solar Wings
Состояние: ля ля...
19:02 27-10-2004
а сюда пойдёт вот это.... :-)
Helloween - GOIN' HOME
Music&Lyrics: Michael Kiske

You think I could be the one to look inside your mind
I don't think we'll have the time, so let us get in line

Another town another bed, another thing to go
By now I learned to take it cool, but I don't wanna know

My head is empty, all the stories that I've known I've told
The situation I escaped from, now it looks like gold

Anyway and anyhow we did it, it was good
But now I take the time to think 'bout ev'rything I should

'Cause after this I'm gone, the show is done
No other town or bed that lies ahead
I'll go home to what I know
I'll go home, home to you

By the time that you think 'bout it twice no spotlight makes you stay
By the time that you feel you don't know, you have to go

The plane is ready in my head, so many things to do
A few more hours till it's over I reach out for you

A kind of peace inside is growing, thinking 'bout the shows
Until the next time I'll be so much better, yes I know

Now this is it I'm gone, the show is done
No other town or bed that lies ahead
I'll go home to what I know
I'll go home, home to you

I'll go home. . .

Current music: Helloween - Mankind
Состояние: мрыффф....
03:39 27-10-2004
слушаю песни...пишу бред..о чём?..про что?
дружно прокляли ночь
всех послали мы прочь
тень за дверью закрыв
свет свозь окна пустив

в даль за окна глядим
светит свет невредим
далеко за поля
там где чья-то земля

там лесов океан
и грустит кто-то там
горы там и луга
эх...попасть бы туда...

Current music: Helloween - We Damn The Night
Состояние: ля ля...
23:01 25-10-2004
пост в Хыщ'ёвом стиле...или что-то в этом роде
очередной раз задумался... бывает, когда определённая "личность", скажем так - принадлежащая(или преиендующая на пренадлежнось) к определённой группе людей(ну например и в часности - "взрослый мужик".) , делает/терпит некоторые вещи, которые, скажем так - ну совсем не сходятся с моим моральным компасом, и представлениями о том как должен поступать человек пренадлежащий к этой руппе людей; причём делает их вполне сознательно и обдуманно... именно тогда я вполне считаю возможным и приемлимым думать об этом человеке плохо...и называть его разными словами...ну например ЧМО...и т.д.

з.ы. такая вот ерунда...может прсото сон слишком странный приснился...


They think they're so clever and smart
They don't care to break my heart
They'd better take one last look
Before I disappear

I like to fly
Higher and higher
No more disguise
Escape from hellfire
Oh, I'll never forget what you've done to me

Current music: Roland Grapow - No More Disguise
Состояние: типо думаю....иногда
22:07 25-10-2004
вот чего бывает иногда в 5 ночи...когда умного музика наслушаешся, и много думаешь..
мы старых сбросили богов
и не осталось к ним долгов
но новой веры нет у нас
и жизнь живём как в первый раз

как в первый раз мы видим день
и вновь боимся чью-то тень
страшимся звёзд и облаков
и верим в речи дураков

куда нам деть огонь сердец
где взять надежды и чудес
кого спросить про свет и тьму
с чьим именем связать войну?

куда души направить свет?
где разум не найдёт побед?
извесно было лишь богам -
что в мраке сна приходят к нам...

Current music: тогда было - Helloween - Keeper Of Seven Keys Part I(альбом)
Состояние: тогда было очень странное
03:18 22-10-2004

Current music: Gamma Ray - It's A Sin
02:35 22-10-2004
And I'd like to get it to you if I could
Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen

Inside the power cage, I can feel the music of my age
It's paranoid first degree, It's telling me that I'm not free

I've got Heavy Metal Music in my blood,
And I'd like to get it to you if I could.
As I lie here in the fright of darkness, the wings of light remove the veil

It's Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy Metal Mania all the way.
Rock and Roll was far too slow, and so the adrenaline just doesn't flow
Where is the power, where is the glory, Heavy Metal is my story.

I've got Heavy Metal Music in my blood,
And I'd like to get it to you if I could.
As I lie here in the fright of darkness, the wings of light remove the veil

I've got Heavy Metal Music in my blood,
And I'd like to get it to you if I could.
As I lie here in the fright of darkness, the wings of light remove the veil

19:44 21-10-2004
хех, такие сны интересные и приятные последнее время сняться...ех..прям просыпасться ну совсем не хоцаааа...хм...странно, никогда такого за собой не замечал..ну и ладно...хорошо вроде

Dream Healer - he makes you see what you can't see
Dream Healer - reflecting your identity.
Listen - listen to the dream healer.
...Listen - listen to the dream healer.

Current music: Gamma Ray - Dream Healer
Состояние: сны?!...ля ля...
22:58 20-10-2004
Helloween - Sole Survivor

I got that fever
Burning my head
So many memories
No tear so shed
Burns like a fire
Who stole my aims?
My comrade fighters
Been sent astray

How could I know
What others had in mind for me?
How would they know
What measures I take?

Sole survivor
Of a kill without alert sing your feelings out
Your song remains unheard
Sole survivor

We shared like brothers
A light in the black
Totally blended
Bold and erect
But we've grown intriguers
Till it's too late
Time has brought fire
Fear, greed and hate

Now I'm cryin'
Shattered on the ground
All I find
Has died anyway

Sole survivor
Of a kill without alert sing your feelings out
Your song remains unheard
Sole survivor
Got a voice without a sound
Mean mistreaters
Took away your ground
Sole survivor

Sole survivor...

Current music: Helloween - Why?
Состояние: ля ля...
18:31 19-10-2004
всётаки когда эта самая "муза" меня посещает - это однозначно хорошо, по крайней мере для меня....получается конечно давно уже скучно и однообразно, да и просто фигня, но как не станно - помогает....как ещё ОЧЕНЬ немногое может помочь...

Current music: Gamma Ray - Dream Healer
Состояние: более-менее
05:02 19-10-2004
а муза взяла и пришла!
моя последняя надежда
рывок из серости во цвет
Она одна печаль удержит
окрасит будничный рассвет

подарит чувства непростые
загадки спрячет в красоте
глаза раскроет неземные
не даст очнуться в пустоте

и светом этим не напиться
так хочется с Ней рядом быть
идти в перёд - не торопиться
с ума сойти и дальше жить

не знаю я, как хочет сердце
и спрашивать его нет сил
душе угодно к Ней стремиться
а сердце я и не спросил...

Current music: Helloween - Don't Stop Being Crazy
Состояние: романтично-весёлоё(какой кошмаррррр)
23:08 14-10-2004
собственно так оно всё и есть...последние две песни....то поотдельности...то вместе сразу...так и живу..бльше и писать то нечего...

Current music: Michael Kiske - Easy
Состояние: погано

вчера ночью был полный "Easy"......сейчас помоему "Heal Me"....скоро видимо в перемешку будет.....
06:34 14-10-2004
такая вот песня.......просто

[M&L - M. Kiske]

It's so easy - to hurt
It's so easy - to hate
It's not easy - to take the pain
Don't deny, don't you cry,
There's a lift somewhere
Deep within (yes)
It's giving that shows we care

If life gets too tough
And you give it all, that's enough
If blind is your love, it will carry your pain
But you got to show!
We had it all

And we gave it all away
Tears we will hide
All those years we learned to hide - Oh!

It's so easy - to hurt
It's so easy - to hate
It's not easy - to take the pain

Lay your head on me!
Lay it all on me!
Lay your head on me!
Put it all on me!
Lay all worries on me!
Lay all fears on me!
Lay all pain on me!
Lay it all on me!
Lay all load on me!
Just lay all weight on me!
(You can fly, you sure can fly with all weight off of your heart)
Put it all on my shoulder!

Long is the road
That leads out of cold
A second will carry all fortune at once
A second can show!
Embrace the world!

You got arms, embrace the world!
We run out of time
Yes we're bad, bad out of time - Oh!

It's so easy - to hurt
It's so easy - to hate
It's not easy - to love

Current music: Michael Kiske
Состояние: спокойное
23:43 13-10-2004
вся песня - от начала до конца...
Music: Schlachter/Lyrics: Hansen, Schlachter

When I wake up at the end of the day
The moon comes out, the sun fades away
I get myself out of my bed and cry
Is it really me now - could this be the real thing
Is there someone else to ease the pain
So easy, so easy now, has it really gone too far

It don't matter anyhow, sometimes I feel like an
Echo in the wind, that's not coming back again

I look inside my head and what I see
Are the reflections of the world.
And I see genius and insanity

You're alive - you're part of the show
You came to foresee the signs on the wall

So many tried in vain - they know the truth
Learn - how to live and fight and learn-
How to fight them right and learn - how to give and take it all

You can be strong if you know who you are
The signs on the wall tell you move on before it's too late

Can you see them? Do you want to be the one who's creeping on the floor?
Could it be forever? Could it all be lies?
The chaos is a killer and he knows who will fall

Help me - I need some help
Now is there someone out there
What are you waiting for
You're on the road to nowhere
The only way I know

Maybe I'm wrong, I haven't got a clue
Don't know where I belong - tell me what is true

Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me

Are you out there?
Won't you help me?
Don't know where I would go
Is there real life... forevermore?
And remember... "Keep smiling... Jesus loves you!"
That's what they say...
Can you cry forever?
It's just a matter of taste
But you say, "Do you, do you know what the truth is?"

Think don't think - what can you see
Our life is just a fantasy of someone we will never see
Therefore I break down in laughter
Now as I change my point of view
There's nothing left to make me blue - never again - no more
Come on in my friend and join the ball
Everything is beautiful - even the band - it's magic
Imagine you're superstar you gonna fly
You gonna go far - so far

Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Oh won't you come to heal me - hear me
Heal me! Heal me! Heal me!


Current music: Gamma Ray
Состояние: одинокое
05:18 11-10-2004
друг я...я друг
блин....вот решил всё для себя...понял..поставил точки над всякими буквами...много резких слов..фраз...понял.....а на сердце каменюга такая, что ваши горы...............

A Heartbeat Away

Just turn around, look what you see
So many memories
You lived your life as sun melts the ice

Live for yourself if you believe
You can do what do you want, don't get lost in a dream

We're never falling apart
Won't see tears dry in the wind
I'll show you things that you never really knew

Heaven is just a heartbeat away
Every day, every night, every moment
We all need friends just let people see
Open your hands, open your heart, open your feelings

Self confidence is the key to choose
Don't be proud make up your mind
Flying in the stray of an ocean wind

Clouds are stalking, don't hesitate
Troubles seem like they never will end

Anytime you need a friend
Even if you are miles away
Remember, I'll be there to guide you home

Heaven is just a heartbeat away
Every day, every night, every moment
We all need friends just let people see
Open your hands, open your heart, open your feelings

Remember, I'll be there to guide you home

Heaven is just a heartbeat away
Every day, every night, every moment
We all need friends just let people see
Open your hands, open your heart, open your feelings

.....незнаю прочитает ли..или нет...просто....мне не ПОХ!....и всё....чёрт

Current music: Roland Grapow - A Heartbeat Away
Состояние: тфу...чёрт!
22:01 10-10-2004
stranger to myself...
сегодня днём(в 3 дня) проснулся с песней(всмысле с настроением по песню) GR - No Stranger...эххх..кончилось веселье...смотрю я на всё это....ХОЧУ НАСТРОЕНИЕ КАК ВЧЕРА ВЕЧЕРОМ!!!!!!!!!

Days full of joy
Are drivin' down the pain
Into the sun, a mothers son
Is just about to fly

I see the morning come, with fire in my eyes
And when the day begins
... another day in life

и ещё....

I'm trapped in this nightmare
Endless tortures and pain, milleniums have gone by
Uhhh, it drives me insane

Who am I now?
I'm not man - I'm not machine
I gave my life away for the atrificial dream

З.Ы. Фя.......©

Current music: Gamma Ray - Lost In The Future
Состояние: дурацкое