Я умер и засмеялся
Poor Yorick
дневник заведен 05-05-2007
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I'm cruising currently right now
Я умер и засмеялся.
Просто большое стало малым, малое большим.
Просто во всех членах уравнения бытия знак «да» заменился знаком «нет».
Таинственная нить уводила меня в мир бытия, и я узнавал Вселенную внутри моего кровяного шарика.
Я узнавал главное ядро своей мысли как величественное небо, в котором я нахожусь.
Запах времени соединял меня с той работой, которой я не верил перед тем как потонул, увлеченный ее ничтожеством.
Теперь она висела, пересеченная тучей, как громадная полоса неба, заключавшая текучие туманы, и воздух, и звездные кучи.
Одна звездная куча светила, как открытый глаз атома.
И я понял, что все остается по-старому, но только я смотрю на мир против течения.
Я вишу как нетопырь своего собственного я.
Я полетел к родным.
Я бросал в них лоскуты бумаги, звенел по струнам.
Заметив колокольчики, привязанные к ниткам, я дергал за нитку.
Я настойчиво кричал «ау» из-под блюдечка, но никто мне не отвечал, тогда закрыл глаза крыльями и умер второй раз, прорыдав: как скорбен этот мир!

Велимир Хлебников 1922

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Среда, 3 Ноября 2010 г.
Indifference to the no-concept of anything
Вторник, 26 Октября 2010 г.
Vital importance of P e r f e c t i o n

Current music: Aesthesys - Chrysopoeia
Воскресенье, 24 Октября 2010 г.
No frustrations, just noncoincidence

Состояние: голова болит

I want to marry a lighthouse keeper.

Current music: Alina Orlova - Sirdis
Пятница, 22 Октября 2010 г.
15:54 На десять минут старше
Soir, - dit-il
Soir, - dit-elle
Soir,- disent-ils

Current music: виолончель
Воскресенье, 10 Октября 2010 г.
October Installed
Сон 8-9/X 2010
Была собакой.
"Я ем правду руками"
Среда, 29 Сентября 2010 г.
22:59 Quote
What we can know is filtered through our experiences and perceptions.
(c) Theories of Human Communication, 9th Edition, 2008, p.16

Current music: Zero 7 - Warm Sound
Суббота, 25 Сентября 2010 г.
22:49 being Godot
My dear, Cedric,

I have so many times noticed that all the things/thoughts you have for a period of time - once come to one point, jigsaws falling into place. They all merge and start represent something meaningful.
Today was such a day.
And yeah, I'm hight today - but the word is actually too rude. For it's a highen soberness.
I'm crusing currently right now.
The todays' trip was totally devoted to you. I couldn't but think about you. And have sent a bunch of wonderful thoughts. But what I really wished - was that you were me at this evening. To see everything through my eyes, to see what I saw.
Jigsaws falling into place.
When I got up today - I felt as if I were you, I felt complete apathy and depression. Yeah.. it may be explained like when you comunicate with a person for some time you exchange something (not words or thoughts) but some sort of energy. And it has contagious nature. Like I became ill with your "illness" for sometime.
Look, they say there're 6 milliards people on our planet. What part of these people do you know? The tiniest. And that makes me feel - well... I'm even sure - that those people whom we meet are not in vain. We meet them on purpose. And that's why the chance give us an opportunity to know the certain people and to get their "energy". Get their influence. I'm not saying about hundreds contacts in Facebook about whom you know only their birthday data, and just because the system reminds you about it. No. You should get to know this person and take or give something out of him/her.
You won't deny that you are unique. This IS true. Perhaps that's why, there're so few people around you, or even they are too far. That's the rarest chance.
"We are not ants who communicate just to build their ant-hil" - this idea was just in the film I saw in the cinema this evening.
So are me and you. It was not just by chance that we in some one-in-a-million chance got acquainted. Not saying about mutual appeal.
Have you noticed this - when you are in love, all the time you are concentrated on one person - so it seems that you live only while kissing your beloved. All the rest time is just waiting for this moment.
And we talked about this yesterday: all the life people just waiting for life. They invest into the future, keep their memories about the past. They just preparing for living, they do not actually. Or at least this moments are so rare. Time, Cedric, is made by memory. What is happening is just NOW, this very moment.
Start living.
Start perceive.
And start enjoy this very second.
With no fears and thoughts apart those, about this very moment.
L'inévitabilité du bonheur
You told me you had thought I might be a God and might save you. That's it! I'm not a God, of course, but I can give something, we have met for this.
Please do what I'll tell you to do right now. Please, trust me. Please, do everything stricitly in this oder.
- Order methylone in the net (it should be in crystalls, white powder)
- Do it
- While trip take you favourite music and go outside. If you are not in Paris, thet'll do also - be on the nature.
- After 2-3 hours watch "Waking life" film.

If you don't do this - we'll never talk again. I'm sorry. That's just should be. We are talking only while this month or so, while the order will be delivered to you. What after that - you'll tell me yourself.

I so much want you to be happy.
Hugs and Kisses.

Состояние: He's reading it at this moment
Воскресенье, 12 Сентября 2010 г.
Помните, в детстве мы вставали на стул или стол, чтобы посмотреть на комнату в другой перспективе. Все это делали. И все изумлялись.
Среда, 1 Сентября 2010 г.
30/VIII Methylone
Wonders, wonders, life is full of wonders.
Just keep it in my mind:
the walk on the air, the awareness of existence. Just keep it in mind
the absence of limits.
Now you need nothing for happiness. Thing in itself.

Please, never surrender to the Maya Web.

Состояние: Я умер и засмеялся
Пятница, 20 Августа 2010 г.
00:00 Сны сбываются осенью
В конце сна он сказал: "Fight fire with fire."
Выглянула в окно - проехал грузовик с надписью "Спасибо"
А мы превращаемся в информацию.
Суббота, 24 Июля 2010 г.

А я по-прежнему ставлю чайник
Чтобы позже выпить воды

Current music: My Brightest Diamond - To Pluto's Moon
Четверг, 6 Мая 2010 г.
Бокал вины.

Current music: Balmorhea
Вторник, 24 Ноября 2009 г.
Целую вечность

Здесь должны быть слова
А мне и дальше её целовать

Current music: Radiohead
Пятница, 6 Ноября 2009 г.
02:12 Dimmi dimmi dimmi dimmi dimmi, pleeeees
Ill word

- What did the doctor tell you to take? - I asked.
- Com-preh-hen-sion, - he coughed out.

Current music: Radiohead - The Gloaming gloaming gloaming gloaming gloaming
Среда, 4 Ноября 2009 г.
23:10 I was supposed to write an essay "The person I would like to speak to"
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Current music: Sigur Ros - Ti-Ki
Было четыре часа утра.
Я делала кубики из белой бумаги и размышляла о сути смысла.

Состояние: голова болит
Пятница, 30 Октября 2009 г.
16:04 neonatal
The world is mother's belly. The world is pliable especially if you nuzzle it up. I don't know the words yet, but it tastes like narrow “eeeeeee”. We can not see the difference between the sleep and wakefulness yet. But when we think that we are awake we start toddle forward. To the touch. If there's wall we sit and look down and it may seem that we are thinking. We always grope our way forward and forward, though we do not know where we go, and whether we go, and whether we go forward. Sometimes I feel this tickling noise through my eyelids and it gives me the impression of mild [L']. Our joints are too feeble to reach this "L" and the ground resists us. We learn to walk with the feeling [st]. When I'm tired of this struggle I want to return to [pl]s and [bl]s, to pliable, placable, blubbable, lullyble belly. I don't know words yet, and don't know what they mean when they call us “blind puppies”.

Current music: Dorena - Solen Har Forblindat Mig
Вторник, 20 Октября 2009 г.
17:49 The snow is melting
The word "thaw" is an onomotopoeia

Состояние: без сна