Golden Slaughter
дневник заведен 29-04-2007
Понедельник, 24 Октября 2011 г.
Paladins for Horde!??!?!
Shamans for Aliance!?
Why do you kill wow Blizzard?

Spaceship traveling around the universe?
This is not world of Startreck, Why did you kill wow Blizz?

Badge System !?
Welfare epics for everyone!? Why should I go raid when I can just get epics from a vendor!? this will kill WoW Blizzard. Why did you do it?

This will kill wow! WoW is not about achievements its about fun and social grouping!
Why are you killing WoW blizz?

Hero Class?
Everyone will play one now! It will be like Starwars only Jedis! Only Deathknights.
This will kill WoW for everyone who likes their normal char. Why did you kill WoW Blizz?

Lich King is dead and so is WoW
Now that the main Villain is dead, why should we keep playing. WoW is dead. Why did you kill it Blizz?

Removing old Zones!?
Why would you remove something you have already put into the game!? This will ruin WoW Why did you kill WoW Blizz?

My class got changed in someway - you killed wow, now other class is overpowered. Class imbalance kills WoW, why did you do it Blizzard?

WoW is dead! A wolfman!? What is this nonsense - im not some Twillight fa*n. This will kill WoW Blizzard!

Deathwing is dead
The main villain is dead! WoW is dead! Why did you kill WoW Blizz?

What is this crap? I am not some animal hugger! Pandas will kill WoW!? Why do you kill WoW Blizz?!!?

I trust my point is clear?
My Point killed WoW, Why did you let this happen Blizzard?