Golden Slaughter
дневник заведен 29-04-2007
Вторник, 1 Февраля 2011 г.
Good evening Senjogahara,

While I’m afraid I couldn’t tell you who had submitted this account recovery webform (as obviously it was completed by someone posing as you), and your account certainly appears secure on our systems here, I believe that perhaps someone you know well enough could have done this as a prank on you. Here’s a link to the Account Recovery Webform itself so that you can see what data is required;

As you’ll notice, it’s possible that if any of your friends or close acquaintances may have known this information then they could potentially have submitted one in your stead (although thankfully the resulting mails will always be sent to your own registered email address only).

If you’re worried about this potentially occurring again, may I recommend considering changing your login email address to one that your friends will no longer know (and if you need to add further people on Real ID, you might want to take their Real ID information first so that your new address isn’t displayed for them), and apologies for any worry or confusion this situation may have caused you.


Забавненько. :3
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