20:23 16-03-2005
a man walks into the weapon store and says:
- i wanna big gun.
selling guy starts:
- ok, we have this beretta, several magnums,..
man points at the biggest gun and says:
- this one.
- but its expensive and overpowered. what do you need it for?
- i need to shoot cans.
- Ok, for cans you can take this air-powered rifle, its 10 times cheaper...
- that won't work. cans will not fall.
selling guy looks surprised at him:
- won't fall? what kind of cans do you want to shoot?!
- well, different ones. afriCANS, puertoriCANS, african ameriCANS...

ф састаянее: Сознание порвано!
21:50 16-03-2005
Буга-га-га. РаХоВы обслушался?
21:53 16-03-2005
Не, где-та анект спиздил. Сознание порвало капитально
12:36 17-03-2005
супер! наше все
10:33 21-03-2005
хорошо different ones