02:11 24-08-2005 How to spend $4 billion?

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How to spend $4 billion? Google has plenty of ideas
By John Markoff The New York Times

SAN FRANCISCO In all the speculation that followed the announcement from Google last week that it planned to raise an additional $4 billion by selling stock, no one seemed to recall the space elevator.
Google on Monday introduced a second-generation version of its downloadable computer search tool, Google Desktop. It comes with both personalization, which allows a sidebar panel to automatically display information like weather and news without using a browser, and software "agent" features, or learning capabilities. The company also invited independent programmers to develop small programs to extend the capability of the system.
Google executives also say they plan to unveil on Wednesday a "communications tool" that is potentially a clear step beyond the company's search-related business focus. While executives would not disclose what the new software tool might be, Google has long been expected to introduce an instant messaging service to compete with services offered by America Online, Yahoo and Microsoft's MSN. A new Google strategy to enter the communications world potentially raises even more interesting questions than the current Silicon Valley hubbub over what it might choose to buy.
"When was the last time you called Google with a problem?" he said.

Desktop Search 2 это хорошо, ладно. Главное: instant messaging service от Google. Аллилуйя.