09:03 29-05-2007
At breakfast in the morning, Gabe tells Grandma he wants her to pull out his loose tooth!!
OMGGGGG Grandma and Parker are surprisedddddd when it POPs out with a small pull! =)

daddy is also surprised O_O i guess the tooth fairy is coming tonight

And so concludes this Wedding Event!!! =) IN 27 POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23:48 02-06-2007
seems like Gabe is very excited about loosing a tooth. That's funny - I never liked that thing.

And what is this american thing about the tooth fairy? I can never figure it out.
23:49 02-06-2007
And baby.... Thatnk you sooooooo much for all these pictures =)

Love you
01:41 05-06-2007
sigh... russians.... dun have a tooth fairy! even in south america they have one, but its a mouse... haha
well tooth fairy is.. you put tooth under pillow at night and... the toothfairy ( parents... haha) take the tooth.. and put money under the pillow

np... but now i need to go to work i will be back after 10 to sleep and wake you up babe.

LOVE YOU TOO! with ALL MY HEART!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3
22:58 06-06-2007
All your life is about the money, even for the little kids!
oh well, our mentalities are veeery different.....
09:32 11-06-2007
yeah right dont say about amaricans, its all the world is about money, its just people who dont have excess can't understand it.... its rly hard to say that but... its true...
and on the flip side, NO it is not about the money hon... it doesn't matter how much you get, or what you get... not nothing...its the thought thatr counts

its success not failure

to me... friends and love is more important then anything...and is the same for many people, across the world....

and hon.. please stop talking about americans and money... it is really getting annoying... your stereotypes, I dont make fun of you...for being russian, except in sarcasm and living in woods.... which YOU brought upon yourself!!!!!!!!

I LOVE YOU...not because your russian because you are you... <333

ugh time to sleep O_O
00:54 14-06-2007