14:07 04-06-2007
Спешл фор: Gilad

Из обсуждений на TFN:

- I think a Mara book would be a waste. I've never had the slightest amount of interest in her at all. That said, I don't hate her either, but she is the main reason I'm staying away from Alliegence. The thing I don't like about her is her attitude when she's younger.

- So what's your problem with Palpatine having a Hitler Youth Force User as an assassin?

- Honestly, I liked the idea Palpatine put a revolver in a little girls hands. It seems like one of the ways he'd amuse himself.

- Especially a pretty and naive girl like Mara Jade. Thinking about his little project walking into a room full of pirates thinking they stumbled upon some fresh meet before they get butchered probably made Palpy squeal with delight. Sending a really scary man in an intimidating black suit has to get old.
16:06 04-06-2007
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